Alain Guillot

Life, Leadership, and Money Matters

Working With Charities Is More Than Branding

Businesses that work with charities are pretty common nowadays. It’s pretty much a PR faux pas to not be helping a charity of some kind. Customers want to know that you are there for the community and not just going to treat them as consumers anymore. It’s crucial then that you do more than just work with charities but you engage in their causes yourself. It can be a real deal to do this effectively. But how do you contribute without actually changing your business in the process? We have created a shortlist of things that will allow charitable works and behavior to become part and parcel of your daily business.


Award ceremony 

You are probably familiar with company award ceremonies. These can be the perfect opportunity to give free advertising space to charities and involve them in your event. Any proceeds that incur during the event, can go to their causes. So for example, you are holding a silent auction of various gifts. The bids that are made will be explicitly for the prizes but make it clear that the profits will be going to the charity. Invite the media and watch how impressed they will be when you are giving out awards while giving out life-saving money to various charities at the same time

Monthly donation

At the end of every month, you can give a certain percentage of your profits to a charity of your choice. It can be a new charity every month, that is the choosing of an employee, a customer who makes a purchase to whom you send a request to select a charity, or it could be perhaps chosen by a social media poll. How awesome would it be if every month, you have a poll on Twitter or Facebook, for who your charitable donation should be? You’ll get lots of interaction, lots of interest, and your brand rises in everyone’s judgment. 

Strategize your giving

Companies such as can manage all your finances but they can also manage your charitable donations. Giving to charities is a big thing, especially when you are a medium or large company. So you want to make sure that you aren’t giving too much away. Don’t get carried away with your charity, as sometimes in business you have bad months and you may need to hold onto your profit money a little tighter. This is just until things get better or the economy stabilizes, but if you don’t do this manually, you will forget. This is why working with a risk and financial advising company makes so much sense for charitable donations too.

Taking up the cause

You will find that you actually really care about a charity once you have worked with it. You may like the CEO, love the work they are doing or just like the fact they care about a rare disease that has affected your family. Maybe you could become an ambassador for a charity you love, and become a partner on various projects they do. This could elevate your brand and public image as a philanthropist CEO.

Working with charities is very useful for your brand but it’s also very impactful. The more companies that work with charities on a regular basis the better for the world and the customer-client relationship.