Alain Guillot

Life, Leadership, and Money Matters

working on marketing ideas

Why It’s Important To Have Variety In Marketing

Marketing is an important part of a business when it comes to promoting the brand and its services. Without marketing, it’s naive to think that customers are going to come flocking to the doors with their cash or cards in hand.

Why is it important to have variety though? Let’s look at how it’s good to incorporate multiple marketing opportunities for the business in 2022.

How impressionable is marketing for business?

Pushing a variety of marketing methods out into the world is going to be a lot better than just focusing on one. For example, when it comes to consumers, many expect to have interactions across many channels. In fact, 90% of customers expect it from those businesses they buy from.

Marketing is, therefore, extremely impressionable on those that are exposed to it and everyone is. From television and film to print and digital marketing, it’s all necessary.

The importance of variety in marketing

Having variety in marketing is more important than many businesses think it to be. Here are a few reasons why it’s worth implementing in the company’s marketing strategy.

It reaches a wider audience 

When using a variety of marketing media, helps reach a wider audience. Not everyone is online nowadays, which means it’s good to reach out to an audience across a variety of channels both online and offline.

By reaching more people, it’s likely to result in more conversions as a result of the effort. A larger ROI is also going to be achieved by adding variety to the marketing campaigns created.

Print campaigns are still relevant

Despite digital marketing being highly influential and relevant to this modern-day society we live in, print campaigns are still relevant and hold influence. It’s why some of the best direct mail companies still exist, providing print media to businesses who want to capture an audience in the comfort of their own homes.

Keeps ahead of the competition

With the playing field for businesses getting busier, it means competition is fierce. Standing out is one thing that some businesses struggle to do because of the difficulty to do so. 

With big corporations having unlimited marketing budgets, it can be hard for the small players to get a foot in the spotlight, let alone, retain it for more than a millisecond. This is particularly the case for a lot of online media, as there’s so much content being published every second of the day.

With plenty of multi-channel marketing, it’s going to give a business more chance of finding success above its competitors. 

It’s never good to have all eggs in one basket

The saying ‘don’t put your eggs all in one basket’ is true when it comes to a business. When spending a business budget, utilizing it for one specific marketing method is not going to be the most financially-savvy approach. With that said, mix it up a little and don’t rely on just one method of advertising.

The more variety a business can provide within its marketing strategy, the more chance it has of garnering success.