Alain Guillot

Life, Leadership, and Money Matters

A woman taking of her wedding ring

Who Should Represent You During Your Divorce?

Divorce is never an easy thing to manage but some couples find it a lot worse than others. The best case scenario is that you both decide that, even though you don’t want to be a couple anymore, you don’t have any ill feeling towards each other and you want to handle the whole process as amicably as possible. Unfortunately, it doesn’t always go down that way and many couples let their resentments spill over into the divorce process, meaning that things quickly get messy. That’s why it’s so important to find the right legal representation to help you and, if necessary, fight your corner for you. However, unless you have been through this all before, you probably don’t know where to start and you can easily make the wrong choice. If you are looking for a divorce lawyer, here are a few tips to help you choose the right one. 

Find A Lawyer That Wants The Same Things You Do

There are a few different ways that lawyers will approach a divorce. Some lawyers are aiming to get as much as possible out of your ex, and they want you to ‘win’ the divorce. Unfortunately, this is what a lot of people want because they’re angry and they want some kind of revenge. But that’s not the way to handle your divorce and you don’t want to work with those kinds of lawyers. Instead, look for a firm like Canyon Legal Group which is focused on finding the best solution for you, not taking an aggressive stance. You will find the whole process a lot easier if you and your lawyer are on the same page and you both want the divorce to be as civil as possible. 

Make Sure They Are Reliable

Even divorces that seem simple at the beginning can get more complicated further down the line. The process might take longer than you think and you need a good family lawyer, such as Jennifer Croker, that will be there for the duration. Good communication is so important during divorce proceedings, so reliability is important. Look for somebody close by, so you can easily meet them in person. Ask about different ways to contact them as well. If they make it difficult to get in touch with them, you should look at other options. 

Ask About The Price Upfront 

Divorces can be incredibly expensive, but they don’t have to be. Talking about money can be a little awkward but there is no point in spending time with a lawyer, only to realize that you can’t afford them anyway. So, ask about prices upfront when comparing lawyers. That way, you can draw up a list of legal firms that you can actually afford to work with, which narrows down your decision a lot.  When you are calculating your finances and working out how you are going to pay for your divorce, it’s always best to overestimate how long it will take. 

Finding the right person to represent you during a divorce is so important. With the right legal counsel, you can make the process as quick as possible and avoid any big conflicts.