Alain Guillot

Life, Leadership, and Money Matters

What Businesses Needs to Keep in Mind When Planning a Large Event

Hands down, hosting a large event is one of the most fantastic ways to engage with the community, raise awareness for a cause, or showcase your brand. Plus, it never hurts just to have an event and just have some fun! It doesn’t really matter too much what these large-scale events are, either. 

Whether it’s a festival, a charity concert, a tradeshow, or a convention, there’s a lot to consider to ensure everything goes off without a hitch. Plus, believe it or not, planning a large event is significantly more challenging than you might think (it’s more challenging than planning out a wedding). So, with all of that said, here are some key points to keep in mind when your business is planning a big event.

Location, Location, Location!

First things first, you need a venue. Alright, now that’s really obvious, but this is a large-scale event, so you need to plan accordingly. Basically, the right location can make or break your event. So, you’ll want to consider the size of your expected crowd and choose a venue that can comfortably accommodate everyone. 

Another thing to think about would be accessibility. Yes, this is crucial too—make sure it’s easy for people to get to it by public transport and has ample parking. If it’s too hard to get to somewhere, even a large-scale event, people won’t bother! And don’t forget the weather! If it’s an outdoor event, have a backup plan in case Mother Nature decides not to cooperate. So, what’s best for your event?

Safety is Everything

Have you ever been to a large event like a convention or even a concert and saw either a tent by the side somewhere or even an ambulance just randomly parked in the front or back? Well, chances are, there isn’t an emergency (hopefully), but instead, it’s event medical services that were hired for the occasion. 

Now, as you might have guessed, safety should always be a top priority. Sadly, there have been enough events in recorded history that didn’t go accordingly due to a lack of safety preparedness. So that’s why security and medical professionals are needed. Actually, a lot of events (depending on the venue) will even have a security system, kind of like what you see at airports, so that can be a nice way to protect people.

Crowd Control

Speaking of crowds, managing them effectively  is an art in itself. You want your guests to have a good time without feeling like sardines in a can. Actually, depending on where you are, there might be laws about this, so you need to keep that in mind, too. 

So, strategically placed barriers and clear signage can help guide people where they need to go and prevent bottlenecks. So, it’s best to just designate specific areas for eating, resting, and entertainment to spread the crowd evenly across your venue.

Plan for the Unexpected

Even the best-laid plans can go awry, yes, it’s awful to think, but you need to prepare. So it’s wise to have contingency plans in place. This could be anything from having extra supplies on hand to dealing with unexpected weather changes. A solid risk management plan can help you respond quickly and effectively to any surprises that come your way.