Alain Guillot

Life, Leadership, and Money Matters

Ways To Take Control of Your Lives

It’s no secret that life can sometimes get a little out of control. You may feel like you’re drowning in work, parenting, and other responsibilities. But the good news is that there are simple steps you can take to regain control of your life.  This blog post shares some strategies that will help put things back into perspective – both at work and home.

Prepare for the Unexpected

Prepare for the unexpected by setting aside some time in your schedule to deal with any surprises. Just because you don’t have much spare time doesn’t mean you can’t carve out a small space to prepare and plan ahead of time. 

For example, if there’s an upcoming meeting with an agenda, take five minutes at the end of the day to brainstorm ideas about what the meeting may discuss so that when it comes up tomorrow morning, you’ll be ready.

Another excellent example is preparing for incidences like car accidents. In such a case, it’d be wise to hire the car accident attorney you need for your legal needs.

Don’t let fear stop you from taking care of yourself and those around you. Sometimes you may feel like you just need one more thing before you take a break or find yourself feeling guilty for doing something purely enjoyable. When this happens, remember that you deserve downtime too.

Have an Emergency Fund

It’s important to have an emergency fund for those moments when life throws a curveball your way. Even if you’re not in financial trouble, it can be wise to save just in case something happens that will require significant time and energy from you. 

A good rule of thumb is saving at least three months’ worth of expenses – which may take some planning but could help avoid any scary day-to-day worries.

Prioritize Health and Wellness

It’s essential to take care of yourself and your family too. It can be so easy to think that work has the most importance, but make sure you prioritize health and wellness.

This might include taking time for exercise (or at least some movement every day), planning meals, or finding a regular babysitter when needed so you can have a date night with your spouse, read an interesting article, or listen to an entertaining podcast. You can make sure that you’re prepared for walks, exercise or listening to a podcast by checking you have fully functioning earphones. You don’t want them to cut out partway through and ruin your time to relax and exercise!

Each person is different, but there are many things everyone needs to stay healthy. It’s not just about food and water, but also good sleep habits and relaxation techniques like meditation or listening to music during challenging moments.

Take Time To Go Out and Do Things That You Enjoy

It can be so easy to get caught up in all the responsibilities around you – but your happiness should never come second. It’s essential that you allow yourself time for things like cooking or reading a book because it will help improve your mood and make you feel more fulfilled when working towards other goals.

Keep a Journal of Your Thoughts

Journaling is an excellent way to get all of the stuff that’s on your mind out onto paper or into some type of digital space so you can let it go and move forward. 

It allows for self-reflection, helps identify patterns, and gives potential ideas about what may have caused this feeling in the first place. Plus, it can be beneficial when going through tough times.

Take Care of Yourself and Those Around You

Taking care of oneself is crucial, especially if you have family members who depend on your support in some way. It’s not selfish to spend a little time for yourself; it frees up more energy to do good things with the people that matter most in life. 

Prioritize What Matters Most

Since the world can get so overwhelming, it’s crucial to have a plan of attack. So the first thing you should do is prioritize – not just in your day-to-day life but also about how much time and energy you’re spending on different projects or goals.

This doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t try new things; rather, it means being honest about where your priorities lie at the moment in time for yourself and those around you. If something isn’t working out well or there are too many distractions going on, take some time away from these tasks to refocus. The time invested will be worth it in the end.


The good thing about these changes is that they don’t have to happen all at once, and you can make them independently. So use this blog post to induce some positive changes to take charge of your life.