Alain Guillot

Life, Leadership, and Money Matters

Warning Signs that it is Time for you to Quit your Job Right Away

The decision to look for a new employer can easily put everything into perspective. Sometimes, you may find that the answer is crystal clear that you need to leave, and right away. Other times you may feel torn between leaving and staying. At the end of the day, if you stay too long in a toxic workplace, then this will really go against you. You may find that you end up not being able to carry on like you are and that you find it difficult to focus on the future as well.

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You Are No Longer Doing your Job

Maybe you feel like the deadlines are slipping you by or that you have projects that are not completed. On top of this, you may find that you no longer respond to meetings, email requests or anything else of the sort. If your performance and your productivity are suffering and if they are impacting your ability to do your job, then this can indicate that it is time for you to make a change, and soon. The main issue to overcome is the fact that you still feel tied to your employer or your role. You may also feel bad about leaving your co-workers behind. This is understandable, but at the end of the day, you have to begin putting yourself first because if you don’t then you may find that you end up struggling even more later on.

You Dread Working

If anxiety tends to creep in around Sunday afternoon then this would mean that it is time for you to make a change. You may find that it is difficult for you to enjoy what is left of your weekend and that you just dread working in general. Either way, if this is the case with you then you need to do something about that. You need to make yourself start feeling good by simply putting yourself out of your misery and by finding another job- one that makes you happy. If you have been in an accident then remember that personal injury lawyers may be able to help you to get compensation, so you can move onto your new job with confidence and financial stability.

There’s Nothing for you to Be Excited About for the Future

Part of being satisfied at work ultimately means having a set of goals that you can look forward to. It doesn’t matter whether your goals or milestones are personal or professional, such as finding a new skill or looking into new development opportunities. At the end of the day, you still need to make sure that you are excited about the future. If you aren’t then this could indicate that something needs to change so that you can be more productive in the future.

You Feel Hopeless

As you age and as you gain more experience, you may feel naturally inclined to change and evolve over time. This will be the case in both your professional and your personal life. If you have lost the chance to grow at work, then it won’t take long at all for you to become overwhelmed with boredom. If you do not have the chance to grow anymore then this indicates that it is time for you to make a change. At the end of the day, good employers should give you the chance to grow and they should also help you to advance in your career. If they aren’t then this could indicate that it is time for you to make a change.