Alain Guillot

Life, Leadership, and Money Matters

Victoria’s Secret Karen Abusing Her White Privilege

Unfortunately, white privilege is well and alive. There are two sets of laws treatments. One for the privileged white and another one for non-white people.

White privilege, or white skin privilege, is the societal privilege that benefits white people over non-white people in some societies, particularly if they are otherwise under the same social, political, or economic circumstances

In this incident, a black women gets harassed and assaulted by a white women, and the white women plays the victim. The only thing that saved the black women from being arrested was that she got it all in video.

The encounter, happened when Ijeoma Ukenta, a Nigerian American woman was shopping at Victoria’s Secret store in The Mall in Short Hills in Millburn, New Jersey.

Online, the woman’s actions have morphed into a viral meme, and she has been given the nickname “Victoria’s Secret Karen.”

“Karen” is a slang term usually used in reference to a white woman who is said to act out of a sense of inflated self-importance.

In the video, the woman appears to charge at Ukenta. Then, the woman lies in a fainting position on the store’s floor near the cash registers and begins to scream and sob, pleading with Ukenta not to record her “mental breakdown.”

Ukenta says that everything began when she was scanning the store’s offering of underwear and the woman started browsing items uncomfortably close to her. Ukenta says that she asked her to “back up” but that the woman instead went to the cash register and told an employee that Ukenta had just threatened her. Ukenta says she decided to start recording the scene on video, which she says led to the confrontation caught in the first video.

After the initial scuffle, the woman appears to chase Ukenta around the store while alleging that Ukenta “threatened her.” Then, the woman calls the police on Ukenta. Eventually, both the mall security guards and the police arrive, and the woman appears to leave the mall.

In what Ukenta says is the police report, the woman said that what she did was “wrong” and that she experienced a panic attack after realizing Ukenta was recording her. She also said she has an “anxiety disorder” and was anxious about Ukenta recording her because she was afraid of “losing her job and apartment.”

Ukenta started a GoFundMe page, to raise funds to get an attorney.

“I was treated like it was 1920 in Short Hills Mall. I was assaulted and harassed by a white woman and nothing was done by the security nor the police,” Ukenta’s GoFundMe description says. “I’m looking to hire me an excellent attorney who can help me bring light to this wrong.”

What can we do?

We have to be aware that there is a two class system in the United States and only be exposing it and shaming it, we can create some change.

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