Alain Guillot

Life, Leadership, and Money Matters

being vaccinated agains covid-19

Should job seekers disclose they are double vaccinated when looking for a job?

If you want to have a competitive edge over your non-vaccinated rivals, the answer is a resounding “YES!”

Already many companies including BlackRock, Walmart, Microsoft, Chevron, CVS, UPS, and Goldman Sachs were among the employers so far this week to announce vaccination mandates for some or all of their employees. 

The same is happening all over Canada. Government agencies, and big employers such as all the major banks, are mandating vaccination.

Mandates have become a popular way for companies to ensure their employees are vaccinated – and this week Delta Air Lines said it would financially penalize employees who didn’t get vaccinated. Unvaxxed employees will have to pay an additional $200 a month for company-sponsored healthcare, the airline said on Wednesday. Other employers may also be considering a premium surcharge for workers who refuse to get vaccinated.

Why would companies want to deal with candidates who have not been vaccinated if they have candidates who are vaccinated? There is no reason for it. The best strategy is not to hire them in the first place.

In both, the U.S. and Canada, employers can legally mandate their employees be vaccinated against Covid-19. They are within their legal rights to mandate employees be vaccinated. Federal anti-discrimination laws in both countries don’t prohibit employers from requiring vaccines in the workplace.

Can an employment offer be made conditional on a new hire being vaccinated for COVID-19?

Since the vaccine is widely available to the public an employer can likely require this, in the same way, employers can require pre-employment drug and alcohol testing and medical and criminal record clearances in certain circumstances.