Alain Guillot

Life, Leadership, and Money Matters

Dr. Refuses to see unvaccinated patients

Doctor refuses to see unvaccinated patients

Enough is enough. All the information is out there. The vaccine is free and available to anyone.

Whoever is not vaccinated by now is because they don’t want to, is not because they don’t have access to it or the money to get it.

Every time a doctor sees an unvaccinated person, they put themselves at risk, they put their family at risk, and they put their other patients at risk. It’s just easier and safer not to see the unvaccinated person.

And some doctors are making their stand and they want their decision to be known and clear.

“Effective Oct. 1, 2021, Dr. Valentine will no longer see patients that are not vaccinated against COVID-19,” read a sign on Mobile’s Diagnostic and Medical Clinic Infirmary Health Jason Valentine’s office door. 

The physician said in a Facebook post, which included a photo of the posted sign, that his decision prompted three patients to ask where they could get their vaccine. 

“No conspiracy theories, no excuses. Just where do I go,” Valentine wrote. “If they asked why, I told them COVID-19 is a miserable way to die and I can’t watch them die like that.”