I am not a republican, I am not a democrat. I am not even American, but all my family members are. I decided to immigrate to Canada while most of my family decided to immigrate to the US.
Of course, we in Canada are greatly influenced by the US. Their 24 hours news cycle and the millions of dollars invested in advertising always makes its way to our calmer country
From the beginning I disliked Trump
It’s not that I liked Hillary Clinton. She comes across as quite professional, but she is not as inspiring as Obama.
The reason why I disliked Trump are probably too common to every one. He’s A crazy, racist, homophobic, religious bigot, xenophobic, sexist, misogynist president who refuses to leave the White House.
It’s beyond my understanding of how the president got elected after making comments like “I like to grab them by the p&%sy” and how it was dismissed as “locker room talk” by his followers. I don’t know of any other public figure who could survive comments of that nature.
Some of my friends like Trump
In my environment, I only know of two people who like Trump. I discovered that they are covert racists.
One of my friends really hated President Obama simply because President Obama was black. Of course, when Trump became openly antagonistic towards anything President Obama did or said, my friend took a liking to him.
My other friend is not openly racist, but I know she is. She mistrusts anyone who is not as white as she is. She is also a climate change denier. I was surprised to find out about her racist tendencies when I heard her making disparaging comments against Muslims and immigrants from immigrant countries. Also, she mentioned she liked Trump because she didn’t like Hilary.
I distanced myself from these two friends without ever confronting them. Probably one day we will be close again.
I am afraid to ask my family about their political views
I am still in disbelieve that in spite of all the cruel things Trump has done during his presidency about 50% of the population love him. For this reason, I never asked any member of my US family about their political views.
My mother
My mother is a fanatic catholic. I don’t know her views about abortion but that’s the connection. Assuming that my mother is against abortion for religious reason, it’s not a big stretch of the imagination if she voted for trump because most people who are against abortion are pro-Trump.
My Brother
My brother likes his guns. Many gun owners believe that the democrats will take their guns away from them and their love for guns could take precedence over other important social issues.
My half sister
My half-sister is Cuban. When President Obama tried to open relationships with Cuba, many Cubans were angry. They don’t want any relationship with the government of Cuba as long as Cuba is a communist country. When Trump closed that relationship, he won the favor of many Cubans.
My daughter
My daughter married a person from the US Army. Although not all army personnel are pro-Trump, many of them are. I don’t know where my son in law stands in his political views, but I am also afraid to find out.
Family is family
I feel that one way or another, eventually Trump will disappear from our life, and my family will still be my family. Even if any one of them voted for Trump for any of the reasons I imagined or for any other reason, I will still love them no matter what.
Now it’s your turn
Does your family have similar or different political views as you? How do you deal with Trumpism in your family? How about with friends?
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