Alain Guillot

Life, Leadership, and Money Matters

Donald Trump: If you graduate from a U.S. College you get a Green Card

Trump promises automatic residency to anyone graduating from a U.S. Educational Institution

I believe that they U.S. immigration policy is a failure. The county let’s in thousands of immigrants with out any background verification and many of those immigrant are raping and killing U.S. citizen. This is no joke or hyperbole. I see it in the news every day.

As far as immigration, I believe that any immigrant should apply to get into a country, whether it’s the U.S., Canada, The European Union, or Australia, and only after being granted permission, that immigrant should be allowed into the country. And I say that as an immigrant. All these illegal immigrants that are coming to western countries to commit crimes, are giving a bad name to the rest of us law abiding immigrants.

All these industrialized countries need immigration, they need fresh workers, but it has to be controlled immigration. It should not be chaotic immigration.

If I was director of immigration I would allow into any of these countries anyone who:

  • has a post-graduate degree (MBA, masters, PhD). Anyone with that level of education most likely will be a net contributor to the economy and it’s very unlikely that they will commit any crimes.
  • has more than $1M to invest in the local economy. A person who has accumulated this amount of wealth is more likely to be an intelligent person who knows how to contribute to the economy and who is also unlikely to commit any crime.
  • It would not be automatic, but people who are between 20 to 30 years old, with a college degree, will get preferential treatment. People who wants to work, and not take advantage of the social net.
  • It would not be automatic, but people who have done something remarkable in their lives, such and arts, or sports will also get preferential treatment.

And I really love the idea proposed by ex-president Donald Trump, that any person who graduates from a U.S. institution, should get an automatic residency card. These students are already part of the society, they are young, they are educated, and they want to work. Why lose them to another country. Let’s listen to what ex-president trump has to say.

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