Alain Guillot

Life, Leadership, and Money Matters

Tips To Ensure Your New Business Gets Off To A Flying Start

Launching a business is an exhilarating prospect but it’s also a risk. In this guide, we’ll explore steps you can take to maximize the chances of getting off to a flying start. 

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Figuring out your finances

Cash flow issues are among the most common causes of new business failure. Setting up a new venture involves spending money but it’s always wise to go into the process with a clear plan. Your budget should outline where your money is going and enable you to monitor expenses. It’s beneficial to seek financial advice before you invest huge sums into getting a venture off the ground and to avoid going too far, too fast. If you’re selling a product, for example, you may wish to start with a relatively small order to see how sales fare before you invest more. Keep a close eye on your finances from the outset. Use software and apps to automate processes and keep track of transactions and invoices, and specify clear deadlines for customer payments. Take care when borrowing money. If you take out high-interest loans, it can be difficult to get into the black even if you get off to a positive start. 

Seeking legal advice

Running a business isn’t just about processing orders and providing customers with products or services. There are also legal issues to be aware of and rules and regulations that govern everything from employment rights to copyright. Before you start taking orders, search for firms that offer free legal help for new business owners and take advantage of sessions and consultations to learn about the legal requirements of managing a company and providing services to the public. It is beneficial to have a good relationship with trustworthy, experienced lawyers from day one. 

Conducting market research

Research should be an essential component of every business plan. Before you invest time, effort and money into a company, take time to research the market, determine whether there is a demand for the products or services you are selling, and identify competitors. Analyze sales figures, look at trends, and find out more about how your competitors operate and who they sell to. Create an ideal buyer persona and get to know your target customer. Ask questions, send out surveys, organize focus groups and use the feedback you collect. From product designs and packaging and logo ideas to price points and information about social media use or website layouts, the information you receive from prospective buyers is hugely valuable. 

Identifying customers

When you know who you want to sell to, you can start thinking about how you’re going to generate leads and attract customers. Use your market research to determine the most effective marketing methods to reach your audience, and think about how you’re going to turn leads into sales. If you’re hoping to attract young buyers who love fashion or beauty, for example, apps like Instagram will be more effective than Twitter or Facebook. Create a buzz around your brand by running promotions and competitions and encouraging followers to like and share posts. 

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Launching a new business is an exciting proposition but it’s no secret that many start-ups fail. If you’re preparing to launch a new venture, take these tips on board to get off to a flying start.