Alain Guillot

Life, Leadership, and Money Matters

Tips and Tricks for Removing Pests, Weeds and More this Spring

Tips and Tricks for Removing Pests, Weeds and More this Spring

Removing All Those Yard and Lawn Pests This Spring

We’ve all been spending more and more time at home lately, and as the weather begins to warm and summer looms on the horizon, we’re all looking forward to spending a lot of time outside. You may have been, like so many of us, working diligently in your garden or lawn to get things looking tip-top, beautiful and ready for an entire season’s worth of enjoyment.

But as with any yard, there are those few pests and other pesky things that always seem to crop up and threaten to ruin everybody’s fun. The first thing you have to do is to decide whether you would like to get rid of those pests on your own or if you are going to call a professional (take, for example) to take care of the problem for you.

If you decide to take care of the problem yourself, here, we’ve laid out a few tips and tricks to remove invasive species, annoying insects, and more, so you can enjoy your yard stress-free this summer.

Insects, Critters and More

Whether you’ve got a problem with fire ants, chiggers and mosquitoes, snakes, or something equally unwelcome, there are easy solutions to remove these unwanted pests and go about enjoying your lawn pest-free. These items range from the more strident to eco-friendly, “natural” options. Both are reasonably affordable and easy to use, and in most cases it as simple as visiting a home goods/home improvement store or making a purchase online.

Sometimes even DIY options work well (for instance, a simple solution of essential oils, almond oil and fragrance can repel carpenter bees from eating away at your wood, and growing a little citronella in your herb garden or burning a citronella candle can keep away mosquitoes).

For bigger pests, or those where you feel out of your element, you can always call an exterminator or lawn expert for assistance. These professionals have many years’ experience dealing with unwanted pests and can get rid of the insects and other critters with ease. It costs a bit more, obviously, but for many, it is worth the added expense.

The good news is that no matter what type of insect, animal or otherwise is encroaching on your outdoor space, you there are always solutions to get rid of them.

Weeds, Poisonous and Invasive Plants

Some invasive species, like honeysuckle, dandelions and other plants, are beautiful and sweet-smelling. Many, however, are not. If your yard is overrun with kudzu, or more dangerous weeds and plants like poison oak, ivy or sumac, or if your normally beautiful, peaceful pond is ruined because of tall, unsightly weeds, you need quick results to get rid of these unwanted guests.

Many options are available on the market for do-it-yourself weed removal, including chemicals and other sprays and powders to kill weeds. Not everyone is fond of these types of products, though, so you can also find more natural and organic ways to tackle weed removal. Pond weed control is a little trickier, but you can hire an expert to help you get rid of your weeds and get your pond or lake back to the way it once was, weed-free. Many folks want to try and remove weeds and invasive plants themselves, but become frustrated when they keep coming back or their efforts don’t quite work. In this case, it might be worth the money to hire a professional service that can tackle those unwanted weeds and get your yard, pond and outdoor spaces looking beautiful.

It goes without saying, but when tackling dangerous and poisonous plants like poison oak, poison ivy and poison sumac, be very, very careful. Never touch a plant directly, always wear gloves, and do not burn these plants, as it can be fatal. If you can afford to hire a professional for plant removal in this case, you definitely should.

Garden Pests

Any gardener can tell you the annoyance and disappointment they feel when they’ve got a beautiful, juicy tomato on the find and they go to harvest it, only to find that a slug has had an all-you-can-eat buffet. Many insects, bugs and other critters will have a field day with your garden if you let them. And it isn’t just insects – bunnies, deer and other animals will feast on your garden without proper protection.

Using sprays and chemicals can help, but they pose a risk to your family, too. You may find that you want to use a more natural approach, not only for your health, but that of the environment and the animals in your area. Luckily, there are a lot of gardening products out there that are natural and pose no risk, as well as home cures and helpful tips to keep pesky creatures out of your garden. These include crop rotation, planting naturally repelling herbs, using remedies such as soap and essential oils, and even using other insects to repel the ones that eat away at your garden.

You can also hire professional services to help you keep your garden pest-free.

Algae, Mold and More

We often think of mold, mildew and algae as “inside” problems, but if you live in an area that sees a lot of rain in Spring and Summer, you know this isn’t always the case. Mold, mildew and algae can threaten outdoor spaces too, taking over our porch and deck areas, sheds, garages, pools, and so much more.

Many products exist on the market to kill mold and algae, and they’re pretty affordable and easy to use. For those in need of more comprehensive solutions, mold inspections in Minneapolis, MN can help identify and address underlying issues before they get out of hand. There are also measures you can take beforehand to prevent the growth of mold and mildew, such as weather-proofing. If you live in a humid area, mold inspections can be an essential part of maintaining a healthy environment.

Mold (with the exception of black mold, which is very dangerous) is generally pretty harmless, but it can irritate allergies and create respiratory symptoms in some with breathing or asthma issues, so it’s best to get rid of it wherever you can, even outside.

Follow these tips to keep your outdoor spaces, gardens, decks, porches, outbuildings, ponds and lakes, and all the other areas of your lawn and yard free from pests, unwanted animals, weeds and invasive plants, mold, mildew and more. You’ll be outside all summer, enjoying your free and clear spaces without a care in the world!