Alain Guillot

Life, Leadership, and Money Matters

Things to Do Before Moving Abroad to Work

Things to Do Before Moving Abroad to Work

Getting a lucrative job offer abroad is an exciting moment because apart from the better pay, you also get to tour the destination, learn a new culture and even make friends. A change is always welcome, and here are ways to make sure you’re ready for the move.

Family Unpacking After Moving

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Understand the New Destination Well and Get Detailed Job Description

It makes things easier if you know a lot about your new destination before moving in. Find as much information as you can get regarding the job opportunity and the company you’ll be working in, the region and the culture.

Also, get to understand the weather, economy, political stability, infrastructure and housing costs. What’s the most preferred mode of transport? Research more about the company’s history, stability and growth ratings. 

Pay attention to the cost of living to ensure that you’ll be making enough to sustain a comfortable lifestyle while at the same time saving or investing back home. 

Make Arrangements for Your Valuables

You can either sell your possessions or opt to move them to the new location. Find out the shipping costs and other requirements. Consider small storage units for the items you’d want to keep safely for use when you return home. 

Another consideration is renting out your home, which not only gives you an extra source of income but makes sure it’s well maintained and safe while you’re away. You’ll also want to make arrangements, such as forwarding your mail to the new address and having your insurance policy updated. 

Remember to cancel any insurance policies that are not necessary or not valid abroad. However, make sure you have your health insurance and the valuables covered against loss or damage. If you plan to sell your belongings, start early, probably a month before the move to give yourself enough time to clear everything.

Move Out of Your House Before the Travel Date

Give yourself at least two weeks before the travel date to move out of the house. Stay with someone, probably a friend, a sibling or parents, as you prepare for the trip. If you’re renting, let your landlord know in advance to ensure that you stick to the regulations.

In some countries, you’re required to provide at least three weeks’ notice before moving out. If you own the home and are considering selling or renting, give the new tenant enough time to move while you’re still around so that you can get to know each other and solve any issues in time.

Know Where You’ll Be Staying

It will give you more peace of mind when you know that you have ready accommodation when you get to the travel destination. You can probably book a hotel room for a week or two as you look for a more permanent residence. 

Also, ensure all your bookings, including flights, are in order and double-check that you have all your belongings before leaving. You don’t want to find yourself without a passport, the tickets or arriving at the airport on the wrong date.

It helps to have a contact person or a friend to welcome and assist you settle into the new environment. Settling in will take a while, but a friend can make it more manageable.