Alain Guillot

Life, Leadership, and Money Matters

These Key Issues Will Immediately Turn Off Potential Clients

Are you interested in getting more clients for your business? If so, then it’s important to understand the issues that turn them off. By recognizing the key issues you will be able to make sure that your company is ahead of the competition and avoid missing out on crucial sales in your business. 

Poor Maintenance

First, let’s think about your office. You need to make sure that your business property is well maintained and well looked after. If you don’t do this, then it’s going to trigger a lot of ideas about your business. For instance, people will assume that you don’t care about presentation which is a negative concept that you don’t want to be attached to your company. It’s also possible that they will assume that you have a funding issue. They might question whether you have the capital to provide the support that they need. If you have problems such as a poorly maintained road around your business, then you could need to arrange an asphalt repair service to correct this issue. You shouldn’t leave your business looking a mess because this will damage your reputation. 

Slow Responses

Another way to immediately turn off a potential customer or client is by providing a slow response. If you provide a slow response, then it is going to seem like you don’t care about providing a high quality of customer service and client support. Your team is also going to look weaker and smaller overall. Business clients will assume that you don’t have the manpower or time to manage a project that they need you to work on. That’s why you might want to consider investing in a call handling service. You should try to avoid leaving your customers waiting for anything more than 24 hours. 

Bad Reviews

80% of customers will check reviews online before they commit to the purchase of a product or service. The majority of customers view reviews with the same regard that they have for the opinion of friends or family members. As such, you need to make sure that you are not leaving negative reviews that are connected to your brand. Instead, you need to make sure that you do tackle negative reviews head-on. Address the complete and try to resolve the problem. If you are working in the service industry, you should also build up a portfolio of case studies that show the quality of your work and clearly represent what you can offer. 

Poor Web Design

Finally, you need to think about your web design. A poor web design will suggest more evidence that your business is small or has a low level of funding. You might also find that people struggle to understand what your business can offer if your site isn’t clear enough. 

We hope this helps you understand some of the key issues that will immediately turn off potential clients for your company. If you take the right steps here, then you can guarantee that your business is in a far stronger position overall.