Alain Guillot

Life, Leadership, and Money Matters

Getting the vaccine

The vaccinated are losing patience with the unvaccinated

In spite of having a vaccine that can protect us from Covid-19, a lot of people are opting out of getting it, which means that the virus will not go away for a long time.

The fact that many governments around the world are implementing a vaccine passport helps a lot. This past week I have been in several restaurants and at many small indoor social gatherings and I feel reassured with the knowledge that everyone around me is vaccinated.

However, I must say that I am losing patience with the unvaccinated. Until everyone (or a bigger percentage of people) gets vaccinated, we will not be able to open the economy, we will have to rely on vaccine passports and we will have a lot of friction in our everyday life.

Unvaccinated people are neglecting their civil duty to do their best to live in a civilized world. They are clinging to conspiracies theories, misinformation, or to their ego to refuse the vaccine, even as thousands of unvaccinated people are getting infected with the virus. Even if after millions have been vaccinated and the vaccine has proven to be safe.

Barely a month ago, it seemed that we were beating the pandemic; a sense of celebration was palpable. Now many of the vaccinated fear for their unvaccinated children and worry that they are at risk themselves for breakthrough infections. Rising case rates are upending plans to go back to school or to work, and threatening another wave of infections that may overwhelm hospitals in many communities.

The recent vaccine mandates implemented in Canada and the U.S. are helping a lot, encouraging those people who were on the fence, those people who were not getting vaccinated due to inertia.

Scientists, business leaders, and government officials are implementing more stringent vaccine mandates. The federal government, local jurisdictions, schools, employers, and businesses, all of them are doing their part.

I’ve become frustrated as time has gone on. I want to go back to my pre-covid life. We have an epidemic of the unvaccinated, and they are holding society and the economy back.

Frustration is also straining relations with some of my friends who are anti-mask and anti-vaccine.

I hope that by the end of this year, life will go back to normal.