Alain Guillot

Life, Leadership, and Money Matters

The Real Way To Protect Your Business Data

It should come as no surprise that one of the major forefronts of security and defence in business today is data. You need to make sure that you are taking proper care of your data, lest your business suffer and struggle as a result of it. You can think of it as like looking after something physical; you would not want to leave your office door open all night, and that’s why you need to ensure you are not leaving the door open with regard to your digital office either. So what do you really need to do in order to make sure you are protecting your business data?

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The Basics: A Firewall

First of all, it’s a good idea to make sure that you are protecting your business data in the most essential ways of all. And one of the very first things to think about is your firewall, as this is an unmissable way of stopping attacks on your data. Having a firewall in place really will just stop cold in their tracks the vast majority of data breaches, so it’s something you need to think about early on. Make sure you have the best you can afford, and that you keep it on – no matter what.

Expect Data Breaches

One of the main things that people forget about is actually just a psychological effect. In essence, if you are not really expecting any data breaches to take place, then you are probably going to struggle to protect your data in the future when something does happen. You need to make sure that you are taking this stuff seriously, which means assuming that data breaches will take place in the future at some point, and therefore working hard to avoid them happening, or reduce the damage. You can read more about this here, or ask your local IT expert for advice.

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Cloud-Based Security

More and more businesses are turning to the cloud as a good way to make a lot of things easier. If you want to try and protect your business data as well as possible, you will probably find that the cloud is going to come in handy here too. Cloud-based security is all the rage at the moment, for the very good reason that it puts less pressure and strain on your systems while protecting those very systems at the same time. Make sure you are using these solutions.

Physical Security

As well as all of that, you also need to remember that, ultimately, data has a physical source. If you are not protecting the actual hard drive that it is stored upon, then you are just not doing enough. If you do have servers in your office, then you need to physically protect it through all the traditional means – locking the door, guarding it where necessary. If you are using cloud services, only use those with the very best in physical defences. As long as you approach it this way too, you are going to protect your data much more effectively.