Alain Guillot

Life, Leadership, and Money Matters

The hypocrisy of the catholic churfh

The Hypocrisy of The Catholic Bishops Who Want to Deny President Biden Communion

I was born to a catholic family.
I was baptized against my will, my parents never asked me my opinion.
I was forced by the physical violence of a good spanking to study catholic stuff for my confirmation.
Numerous times I was spanked for not wanting to go to church or for not sitting still while in mass.

And so are the ways of catholic indoctrination in my country Colombian and many other countries around the world. A child is forced into the doctrine of the church before having any consciousness. And the cycle is repeated from one generation to the other.

As soon as I gained some reason, I concluded that the teaching of the church made no sense.

  • Why only men can be a priest
  • Why is there so much sexual abuse of children
  • Why under the disguise of spreading catholicism, did the church participated in the extermination of millions of native Americans
  • Why did the church murder so many people under the premise of the Crusades
  • Why did Catholics and protestants kill each other
  • Why did the church imprisoned Galileo Galilei for daring to say that the earth rotates around the sun
  • Why does the church discriminate against gays
  • Why did the church participate in the cultural genocide of Canadian Native Americans?

I moved out of my mother’s house when I was 17 years old and my lack of adherence to the catholic church never was mentioned again.

The Hypocrisy Catholic Bishops Who Want to Deny President Biden of taking Communion

Several Roman Catholic bishops are trying to deny communion to President Biden, a president who regularly attends Mass and has always followed the rituals of the Church.

The reason is that Joe Biden supports abortion rights, which contradicts the church teaching.

The issue is mostly mute because, each cardinal, from each different diocese, has complete discretion on whether to give or not to give communion to each one of the members of their congregation, and Cardinal Wilton Gregory of Washington has already said he won’t bar the president.

Also, the Vatican issued a warning against drafting a statement recommending that public figures like President Biden be denied communion.

But the hypocrisy of the bishops trying to deny communion to President Biden is shocking and so obviously a political, leaning towards the republican party.

It’s interesting how they never tried to deny communion to

  • a president who cheats on his wife with porno stars
  • a president who brags about grabbing women by the pussy
  • politicians who are in favour of the death penalty
  • politicians who are having extra marital affairs
  • politicians who are divorced
  • politicians who don’t believe in global warming and thus by their lack of action are killing the planet.

I believe that the church continues to lose relevance in our day to day life, they are disconnected from people outside their shrinking bubble, and soon enough the opinion of the church or of some cardinals, will be of little relevance to regular citizens.

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