It was cultural genocide. The Catholic church and the Canadian government colluded to deprive the First Nations kids of their culture.
On May 27, 2021, the bodies of 215 First Nations children had been discovered buried under the former Kamloops Indian Residential School in British Columbia. The school was run by the Catholic religious order the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate until 1969.
The young kids were separated from their families as early as 3 years old. . They were taken to residential schools where they were not allowed to speak their language and do any thing activity related to their own culture.
The whole scheme was to assimilate them into white Canadian culture. The church wanted to make out of them “good” Christian Canadians.

The Kamloops school operated between 1890 and 1969 and was once the largest in Canada’s residential school system, with as many as 500 students registered at its peak. These children suffered from being separated from their parents and their culture, they were sexually abused and they were murdered.
A mass grave of 215 indigenous children was found in an abandoned schoolyard. Canada has been responsible for the deaths of at least 150,000 indigenous children over the last few decades. The goal was assimilation into Canadian society. The kids had two choices: to assimilate or to die.
Premier minister Justin Trudeau has already apologized on behalf of the Canadian government.
But the Catholic church refuses to take any responsibility.
When will the catholic church take responsibility for these deaths?