Alain Guillot

Life, Leadership, and Money Matters

Online Marketing

The Biggest Dangers With Marketing A Business

Are you worried about the biggest dangers of marketing a business? People often think that’s it’s easy to market a company but this isn’t quite true and there are some issues that you do need to be aware of here. Particularly, if you are planning to promote the business independently without the support of a professional marketing team. With that in mind, let’s explore some of the common pitfalls and the steps that you should take to keep things on the right track. 

First, you need to be aware of the danger of Blackhat SEO. This type of SEO is an issue because it can damage your search ranking in the long term. Ultimately, it may even mean that you struggle to rebound and beat some of your key competitors who are probably hiring professional marketing teams to manage their own SEO. If you are worried about this, then we recommend looking for a scalable marketing solution that can provide similar benefits in your business. 

Negative SEO

Next, you should think about how to avoid issues with negative SEO. Negative SEO attacks are usually conducted by one of your major competitors. The aim is to make your business rank for the wrong reasons. This could include a particularly nasty review which will make people choose a different business from yours. If you are worried about this, we recommend that you do run constant checks for mentions of your business online. If you do find any issues with negative SEO that you believe are unjust, then you can raise these directly with Google to have them removes. Do keep in mind that this can be a slow process overall.  


Another issue to be aware of is defamation. Defamation involves saying something that is untrue or has no legitimate basis. Now, you might be wondering how this could impact your marketing campaign. Well, it’s entirely possible that you mention an individual or competing product in a piece of your content. If a company can prove this is untrue, then it could be viewed as defamatory. For an example of this, you might want to research an individual like Bryan Freedman


It’s also important to understand the issue of copyright when you are marketing your company. Ultimately, you need to make sure that anything that you create is seen as original and can not be associated or confused with the work or content of anyone else. It’s why you should never simply reword an existing piece of content that is online. This is particularly important when you are repurposing content that has already been successful in other campaigns or if you are using generated content. That brings us neatly to the next point where we’ll discuss AI. 


You should also be careful about how you use AI to market your business. AI is a powerful tool but it’s alway one that can be used incorrectly if you aren’t careful. One of the ways that you can deal with this is by using AI as a tool for a first draft rather than the final product. A good example of this would be using AI for generative content. While again, this can be useful it’s oly going to give you a basic piece of content. You’ll still need to provide the right human touch to make sure that your content is unique and connects effectively with your brand. 


Finally, you need to make sure that you are not overspending on your marketing campaign. This are lots of ways to keep the costs under control in the future. For instance, you might want to think about using a PPC campaign. One of the reasons PPC campaigns are so beneficial is that they can provide you with complete control over your budget in the long term. As such, you can get the results you need without having to worry about the costs mounting up in the long term which is always going to be great news. Particularly if you are running a smaller business where you don’t have as much leeway in how you use your business budget. 

We hope this helps you understand some of the key dangers that you may encounter when you are marketing your business and the steps that you should take to avoid some of the key issues here. In doing so, you can ensure that your company is in a stronger position and dodge some of the key pitfalls that people do fall into when managing the promotional process.