Alain Guillot

Life, Leadership, and Money Matters

The Best Ways to Improve Your Company’s Social Media Presence

Image Credit Pexels

Like it or not, social media nowadays can play a huge role in determining the success of a business. Now, for big multi-department companies who can devote a whole team to the task of managing and streamlining their online feeds, this presents challenges and opportunities in equal measure. However, if you are a sole trader, or someone working with a small team to promote both your business and yourself, tackling social media can feel particularly daunting. You know how important it is, but you have enough on your hands dealing with finances, accounts, and business itself, to concern yourself with social media. Well, this is your first mistake! Social media is a vital part of image and promotion – and with a few simple steps, it is certainly possible to master.

Consolidate Your Feeds

One of the problems many business owners have with social media is in managing several platforms all at once. This is understandable – there are many of them out there, and it’s a growing market. However, there are three you should probably focus on; Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Any business worth its salt needs to have a profile on each of these sites. If even this feels like too much, there is a solution. Platforms such as Hootsuite allow you to manage all three streams from one site, including simultaneous posting, and even scheduling posts, so you can set aside a couple of hours a week to assign content, then get on with your other work. Maintaining a healthy presence across multiple streams has never been so easy.

Get Advice from Experts

If you didn’t know how to manage your finances, would you dive in and ‘see what happens’? Probably not. So don’t do the same with social media. These platforms have their own codes of conduct, ways of communicating, and trends, and you don’t want to be caught unawares – reputations have been ruined for less. Experienced businessmen such as Deepak Agarwal have offered extensive advice about engaging with social media, and it’s well worth making time for some learning before you get stuck in. If you still feel like you need help, don’t be afraid to hire a social media consultant to show you the ropes.

Follow Big Brands

Sometimes the best way to learn is to see what works (and fails!) for other people. Follow some companies who operate in the same industry as you, and see how they present themselves and interact with customers on social media. Even if these businesses have many more resources than you, you may learn a lot from the tone of voice they use and the kind of content they share. Many companies recently have utilized casual humor online – even poking fun at their competitors – to endear themselves to the public, cultivating friendly and trustworthy reputations. Innocent drinks are a prime example. Would this approach work for the area that you work in? Are there occasions when it fails? Learning from trial and error is often helpful – but this way, you can ensure you’re learning from the trial and error of others, not of your own!