Alain Guillot

Life, Leadership, and Money Matters

The Best Rules For Crypto-Trading

Cryptocurrency trading is the process of speculating on cryptocurrency price movements with a CFD trading account or buying and selling crypto coins via an exchange. If you’re already confident with investing and have some knowledge of cryptocurrencies, then crypto trading can be a good way to earn some more money Always be careful when investing in anything, and make sure you’re sure of the results before taking the risk. 

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  1. Only invest what you can afford to lose. Hobby investors can easily get caught out by market dips. This means that the most important rule of any trading is to only invest an amount that you can afford to lose. As soon as you convert your money into cryptocurrency, you should view it as lost. You might earn it back, but there isn’t a guarantee that you will. Losses in investing can be caused by dips in the market, or from larger issues like hacks, bugs, or even government regulation on cryptocurrencies. 
  2. Always keep an eye on the value of Bitcoin. Altcoins are cryptocurrencies other than Bitcoin, and the value of these is connected closely to Bitcoin. If Bitcoin prices rise, altcoin prices fall as investors drop altcoins in favor of buying Bitcoin. If Bitcoin prices fall a long way, then altcoin prices drop too as people drop all cryptocurrencies in order to switch back to traditional currency. The best times for the value of altcoin is when Bitcoin is static or is growing or declining in a steadier way. 
  3. Diversify your portfolio. The potential to earn more increases with the amount that you invest in just one altcoin. However, the potential to lose that money is also much greater when you don’t diversify your portfolio. Take inspiration and advice from experts like Teeka Tiwari, and learn to view the market of cryptocurrency as a whole. If you think the market will continue to grow, it won’t be with only one coin, but more likely with a few different altcoins growing in value. Diversify the coins that you choose to invest in, in order to have the best chance to see the benefits of growth from different coins. 
  4. Don’t be greedy. If an altcoin you have invested in is growing, it can be tempting to sit tight in the hopes it will keep growing, especially if you have high-profit goals. This is not a good idea. If you’ve made a profit, take it, even if you take only some of it. If you hold on for too long you risk losing that profit you have managed to earn.
  5. Don’t invest blindly. Some people like to take advantage of new investors by spreading untrue information in order to boost the prices of other altcoins. Cryptocurrency is a very speculative market so a savvy investor will always do their own research. Even investors who have good intentions can’t offer any guarantees, due to the fluctuating nature of cryptocurrency. Always research carefully for yourself before making any sort of investment decisions so you don’t get caught out by bad advice.