Alain Guillot

Life, Leadership, and Money Matters

The 4 P’s That Ensure Real Estate Success

Of all the kinds of investment that an individual may wish to engage in, real estate is one of the best. That’s because it is such a robust and reliable market, and also one which is not too hard to get a foot into, as long as you are happy to take a leap at the right time. Of course, there is no such thing as guaranteed success, and you will need to make sure that you have some kind of an idea of how to make success more likely. Let’s take a look at some of the things that can help.

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In order to make money from real estate, you have to be able to wait a long time, sometimes longer than you would ideally want to wait. There is not a lot to do about that – you just need to make sure that you are able to be as patient as possible. If you struggle with that, it might help to bear in mind that it is worth so much more to be patient than it is to not be patient. If you can remember that, you should find that you are going to be able to make a lot more money indeed, and more easily.


You should treat your real estate investments like a business, for that is what it truly is. It may be a side business, but it’s still a business. Thinking in that way, and bringing a sense of professionalism to proceedings, will ensure that you are going to get a lot more out of it. It will enable you to make wiser decisions and to act with greater sensibility, and it will mean that you don’t make such rash decisions, which can often be the cause of great losses in investments of all kinds. If you’re looking at commercial real estate, professionalism is essential as you’ll need to know if this property is right for your commercial needs. Remember to have a list of questions and demands ready when meeting with a realtor.

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In most cases, you will find that it is incredibly helpful if you have someone to help you along, and usually that means finding a good quality realtor. The right realtor will know what you need to do and when, and will be able to offer you the kind of advice you can’t really get anywhere else. If it is a choice between realtors and researching on your own, go for the former every time. It will put you in much better stead, and make it much more likely you are going to succeed.


In order to make a lot of money in this area, you need to think about developing your portfolio as widely as you can. The more of a portfolio you have, with many different kinds of property, the more likely it is that you will be making a great deal of money. Conversely, if you are relying only on one or two properties in the long run, it is going to be much more of a challenge to make a decent amount of money.

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Take care of these things, and you will find that you have much more success with your real estate investment.