Alain Guillot

Life, Leadership, and Money Matters

To get out of poverty, take full responsibility of your circumstances

To get out of poverty, take full responsibility of your circumstances

Life is not fair, it has never been fair. Some people are born with a silver spoon in their mouth and some people have to start working in low paying jobs as soon as they are able to work.

But with determination, that under privilege person can do a lot to get out of poverty.

As an immigrant who came with nothing, and who is no longer poor, I believe that in North America we all have the tools to get out of poverty.

We have take full responsibility of where we are today. There are enough tools out there to get out poverty, but if we don’t take full responsibility we will stay where we are.

I see it all the time. People saying:

It’s the fault of Capitalism,
it’s the fault of all the corrupt politicians,
it’s the fault of Trump
it’s the fault of Biden
it’s the fault of my boss
it’s the fault of my spouse
it’s because is am black
it’s because I am Latino
it’s because I am a women
it’s because I am not straight
it’s because of reverse discrimination

When you blame every body else, you are giving everybody else full control of you life, and you are taking zero responsibility for where you are.

Go to the nearest mirror you can find. Look at yourself in the eyes, and say:

From now on:

  1. “I take full responsibility of my destiny”
  2. “I am in control of my choices and actions.”
  3. “My past does not define my future; I am responsible for shaping it.”
  4. “I choose how I react to challenges, and I can learn from them.”
  5. “I take full responsibility for the consequences of my decisions.”
  6. “I am the architect of my destiny, and I have the power to change it.”
  7. “I will not let external circumstances dictate my happiness.”
  8. “I am accountable for my successes and failures.”
  9. “I have the ability to make positive changes in my life.”
  10. “I am responsible for my own well-being, both physically and mentally.”
  11. “Every day is a new opportunity for me to create the life I want.”