Alain Guillot

Life, Leadership, and Money Matters

Tag: wealth accumulation

  • Trump promises automatic residency to anyone graduating from a U.S. Educational Institution

    Trump promises automatic residency to anyone graduating from a U.S. Educational Institution

    I believe that they U.S. immigration policy is a failure. The county let’s in thousands of immigrants with out any background verification and many of those immigrant are raping and killing U.S. citizen. This is no joke or hyperbole. I see it in the news every day. As far as immigration, I believe that any…

  • How to stop being poor

    How to stop being poor

    At one time, I was extremely poor. I soon figured out that being poor was not where I wanted to be, so I decided to stop being poor. I came to Canada as an immigrant with no money, no connections, no language skills, no intergenerational wealth, no education—nothing. I worked my ass off, going to…