Alain Guillot

Life, Leadership, and Money Matters

Tag: Talent

  • Disney is a Racist company that will not hire white straight males

    Disney is a Racist company that will not hire white straight males

    In an effort to promote DEI Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Disney is discriminating against white, straight men. Here is Michael Giordano, Senior Vice President at Disney describing how Disney has an unwritten policy to discriminate against white straight males in favor of blacks, females, or gays. Disney from an investor’s point of view Disney as…

  • Taylor Swift: Effortlessness is a myth. A guide to success

    Taylor Swift: Effortlessness is a myth. A guide to success

    “Never be ashamed of trying. Effortlessness is a myth. The people who wanted it the least, were the ones I wanted to date and be friends with in high school. The people who want it the most, are the people I now hire to work for my company.” This was a speech given by Taylor…

  • There is no such a thing as having natural talent

    There is no such a thing as having natural talent

    That was actor, TV host, and former NFL player Terry Crews. Those were his comments when he was told that he was a natural at acting. He refuted the idea and went on to tell us about the many hours of practice he does every day in order to improve his craft. I believe that…