Alain Guillot

Life, Leadership, and Money Matters

Tag: stock market investment

  • Why I prefer to rent as opposed to owning a property

    Why I prefer to rent as opposed to owning a property

    I prefer renting to owning. I have been both an owner and a renter. At one time, I owned three properties in Le Plateau, one of the trendiest neighborhoods in Montreal, and I have been renting the same apartment for over 10 years, and I much prefer being a renter to being an owner. When…

  • Using Capitalism to Achieve Your Financial Goals

    Using Capitalism to Achieve Your Financial Goals

    Lets start by talking about wealthy people, the masters of capitalism, and how they build their capital. Wealthy people do not work to climb the corporate ladder, they don’t study to get a good job. They work and study too become business owners. Taka a look at: All of them are billionaire because they created…