Alain Guillot

Life, Leadership, and Money Matters

Tag: motivation

  • Resilience Born from Pain: The Impact of Bullying on High Achievers

    Resilience Born from Pain: The Impact of Bullying on High Achievers

    Did you know that if you had some trauma in your childhood, that can influence your goals and ambitions for the rest of your life? When I was a child growing up in Colombia, I got into a lot of fights and, regrettably, I bullied a few kids. It’s a part of my past that…

  • You Don’t need to make your bed to be successful

    You Don’t need to make your bed to be successful

    I have listened to hundreds of podcast episodes on the topic of success and achievement, and many of them insisting that in order to be successful you need to wake up early, make your bed, and take cold showers. Well, I am neither rich nor famous but I have obtained financial independence, without ever waking…

  • Are you an action taker or are you a lurker?

    Are you an action taker or are you a lurker?

    Has it ever happened to you that you see someone doing something creative, something unique, and not outside your range of capabilities, and you say to yourself: “I could have done that!” Well, you didn’t, and they did. Someone fought the resistance, conquered their fears and insecurities, while you were scrolling on your phone or…

  • How to break bad habits and create good ones with Bob Savar

    How to break bad habits and create good ones with Bob Savar

    Bob Savar has always enjoyed teaching. Earlier in his career, he was a college and high school teacher. Later, he turned to entrepreneurship and became the founder, president, and CEO of two successful businesses. In his third act, after retiring at age 65, he became interested in pickleball as a competitor, instructor, and author of…

  • Money has never been a motivating factor for me, Danica Patrick

    Money has never been a motivating factor for me, Danica Patrick

    If I do a good job at something, the money will show up. If people believe in it, if they like it, the money will be there. Money has never been a motivating factor for me. It’s merely a barometer. I want to make money because it means that people like what I am doing,…

  • Elon Musk on what kind of business to start

    Elon Musk on what kind of business to start

    What business young people should focus on? Elon Musk: “I think it’s important to focus on something that you are personally passionate about, that you personally care about. It’s very hard to be motivated for a product that you don’t really feel strongly about. And it doesn’t have to be high-tech, it could be in…