Alain Guillot

Life, Leadership, and Money Matters

Tag: Disney

  • What Is the Next Economic Megatrend?

    What Is the Next Economic Megatrend?

    Throughout history, several major economic trends have shaped the world. These include: Agricultural Revolution (~10,000 BCE): The transition from hunter-gatherer societies to settled agricultural communities, leading to the rise of the first civilizations. Invention of the Printing Press (1440s): By Johannes GutenbergĀ¹, revolutionizing communication and spreading knowledge, which fueled the RenaissanceĀ² and the Protestant ReformationĀ³.…

  • Disney is a Racist company that will not hire white straight males

    Disney is a Racist company that will not hire white straight males

    In an effort to promote DEI Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Disney is discriminating against white, straight men. Here is Michael Giordano, Senior Vice President at Disney describing how Disney has an unwritten policy to discriminate against white straight males in favor of blacks, females, or gays. Disney from an investor’s point of view Disney as…