Alain Guillot

Life, Leadership, and Money Matters

Tag: climate change

  • Billionaires and Their Generosity Are Shaping a Better Future for All

    Billionaires and Their Generosity Are Shaping a Better Future for All

    Billionaires are giving away most of their wealth. All my life I have been hearing that Billionaires are greedy, that all they care about is their money, at the exclusion of everything else, but that’s not true, billionaires are extremely generous, with many of them giving all their wealth away to many charitable organizations. Last…

  • Johan Norberg, in defense of Capitalism

    Johan Norberg, in defense of Capitalism

    Johan Norberg is a Swedish author and historian of ideas, devoted to promoting economic globalization and what he describes as classical liberal positions. He is the author of:  Marx and Engels were right when they observed in the Communist Manifesto that free markets had in a short time created greater prosperity and more technological innovation than all previous generations combined. A century…