Alain Guillot

Life, Leadership, and Money Matters

Dog with head on top of laptop

Surprising Ways To Make Money Online

There are a lot of things that have happened over the last 30 years which have left the business world reeling and feeling very unstable. Big brands are folding, jobs are uncertain everywhere, and nobody knows when the next crisis is coming. The only thing you can do is prepare for the unexpected by making some extra money. Whether your goal is to go self-employed and work from home, or make enough to clear your debt, there are many ways to make money online. 

Virtual assistant

If you are organised, you would make a great virtual assistant. Many people are working from home and are going self-employed, the issue is that they still need help. And the more that their business grows, the more tasks they have to take on. This is where a virtual assistant comes in. You do all of the jobs that a regular assistant does, except you do them online. The amount of work that you can do will vary so make sure that you make it clear about what you can and cannot do during the day.

Selling stuff

If there is one thing we learnt from Sophia Amoruso, it’s that you can turn anything into a profit if you know what you are looking for. Sophia had an eye for fashion and was able to turn the pieces she found in thrift shops into desirable fashion must-haves. If you have an area that you know a lot about, you can easily search out the must have items and sell them on to others. The sad truth is, some people do not know the value of some of their items. Don’t believe us? Pokemon cards that were bought in the late 1990’s are now worth thousands of dollars.


Hosting a blog also gives you the opportunity to host your own advertising spaces. From ads targeted specifically to your audience to the recent improvements in cookieless advertising, there are plenty of opportunities to get passive income through ad revenue.

A lot of people go into blogging thinking that they will make a million bucks overnight. A lot of bloggers can make a lot of money but there is a lot of work that goes into it. There are a lot of things to learn about such as how DA is calculated and what reseller hosting is. The best thing you can do if you want to become a blogger is research what is involved because it takes a lot to make money off it.


A lot of the stuff that is online is communicated with the written word and it is so frustrating when u c a lot of typos. Yes, we added those on porpoise. If you have a knack for spelling and can read every sentence of a piece, you could have the potential to make money as a proofreader. Just make sure that your language skills are strong so that you don’t mix up your jobs purpose with a small whale, and that you know where were should go, and that you’re yours are not in a muddle.

Online surveys

Market research has become one of the most important things to many businesses because knowing what customers want can be the difference between success or failure. Market research can be carried out in a number of different ways but a lot of it can be found online. Somethings firm will sneak a survey in for you to fill out for free. Others will have surveys for you to fill out and get paid for it. They don’t pay a lot but those little amounts can add up.

Cash back websites

If you do a lot of online shopping, then you need to check out cashback websites. What will happen is fairly simple. You do your shopping through a cashback site, and in return for your custom, you get some money back. It’s that simple. This is great if you are planning on making some big purchases as you can get a lot of money back. There are a wide variety of cashback places so it is a good idea to have a look around to see which ones suit you.

Freelance jobs

There are a lot of freelance sites out there that can help you to find some freelance work. Some of it will be one-offs that pay very little, others can be big jobs that lead to a long-term working relationship. If you are starting out as a freelancer, you should expect low payments until you can get your name out there as the one to use. And, most importantly, it can be in any industry, so the possibilities are endless.