Alain Guillot

Life, Leadership, and Money Matters

Encourage your local business

Supporting Small Businesses: Building Stronger Communities

Many of us have great admiration for big businesses such as Amazon, Google, Microsoft, etc., but it’s, in fact, the small businesses, such as the local coffee shop, the little corner store, the new Mexican restaurant, and the budget barbershop that hold our economy and society together.

It’s also the small businesses that employ the largest number of people in any society. Sure, big businesses can be more efficient, and often they can lower prices, but when you have a personal relationship with the coffee shop owner and they prepare your cappuccino the way you like it, you feel more invested in your community.

We all can do our part. Instead of giving your money to some big franchise like Starbucks, you can go to the local coffee shop. Instead of buying our books from Amazon, we can buy them from the local bookstore.

We all can do our part to have a stronger community.

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