There is an artist, an entrepreneur, a creative inside all of us. Many of us live the lives we were meant to live while many others are afraid to live that life.
Those people afraid to live their true life are overcome by Resistance.
We have to face Resistance and overcome it in order to live our unlived life.
Resistance fills our head with self-doubt and fear to try anything new. Resistance tells us we are not talented enough and that we will fail.
Resistance asks us to have an extra glass of wine, have a piece of cake, skip the work-out in the morning, watch an extra hour of Netflix, spend your money in unnecessary items.
However, if we listen to Resistance, we will end up angry, bitter, and unfulfilled.
Hitler wanted to be an artist, but he was so afraid to face an empty canvas, that he decided to join the army instead.
How do we beat Resistance?
We have to embrace it. The more afraid to take action, the more critical it is that we face our fears.
If you are an actor, do the role that scares you the most.
If you are an entrepreneur, start that business.
If you are a painter, start throwing some paint on that canvas.
If you a composer, start writing that symphony.
Steven Pressfield sits down every morning to do his work. He writes until he’s tired. He doesn’t care if the work is good or not, he just cares about being there to do his work. If the work is not good, eventually it will get better.
Every day that Steven Pressfield sits down to do his work, it’s one more day that he overcame Resistance.
As the angels or the Muse, see us coming to work every day, eventually they start encouraging us, rooting for us, and whispering in our ear.
If our unlived life was to create some music, paint some canvases, write a novel, and we don’t do it, we are no only hurting ourselves, we are hurting everyone around us.
Created work is not indulging in your passion or dream, it’s a gift to the world. Don’t cheat us of your contribution.
My recommendation
This book is a “Buy.” It deserves five starts.