Alain Guillot

Life, Leadership, and Money Matters

Save Money On Those Home Expenses

If you want to try and get your financial situation into gear, there are a lot of ways that you might be able to do that. One of the first places you should always look to here is the home, as there are likely to be many expenses that you would rather do without, or which you would at least like to reduce as much as possible here. As it happens, you can always find a way to reduce the home expenses, as long as you know what you are doing.

Source – CCO Licence

In this post, we are going to take a look at some of the biggest home expenses out there, and detail some of the best ways in which you can save money on them. This will help you with the month-to-month bills, but also mean you can start to put more money away into savings in the long term too.

Bundle Your Services

If you have a few different services that you are paying for through different suppliers, this could prove to be a lot more expensive than simply paying for them all together. There might have been a good reason why you started doing them separately, but if you have noticed you are in this situation, you should do all you can to bundle them appropriately. The simple way to do this is to speak to your supplier about making this change. They will always be happy to do this, and it will save you a lot of money.

Swap Out The Cable

If you are still paying monthly for your cable TV, you might not be aware that there are actually a lot of ways in which you can save money by swapping that out for an alternative. If you have never looked into this before, you might want to check out these alternatives to cable TV. These are simple yet highly effective means of still being able to watch television, but without having those high monthly costs that you might be used to having with cable. A lot of people are moving in this direction, and it is definitely one of the best things you can do for your wallet, so consider it today.

Source – CCO Licence

Turn Down That Thermostat

It can be very tempting, and too easy, to turn up the heating in winter when you are cold. And although you should of course make sure you are not freezing, is it possible that you tend to have the heating up too high anyway? If you play around with it, you might find that you can go a couple of degrees cooler and still be warm enough. That might not seem to make much difference, in fact, but in terms of your monthly heating bill it is amazing how much it can pile up to make a huge difference. Turn down the thermostat a little every now and then, and you will be surprised how much money you can actually save.

Reduce Wasted Energy Emissions

There are so many ways in which most of us accidentally waste energy in our homes. One of the main ones is through heating being lost through the walls and ceiling. Not only is this bad for the environment, it also means that you have to put the heating on more, and that of course costs you money. This is why it is a good idea to ensure you have the appropriate insulation, and to make sure that it is as professionally done as possible. Any upfront costs you might pay for insulation are going to pay for themselves in the long run when you save money on heating bills. This really is something that you should make sure you are doing. Similarly, be sure to have at least double glazing windows for the same reason.

Source – CCO Licence

Turn The Lights Off

How often do you leave a room and keep the light on, even though there is nobody there to use it? This is a pernicious habit, but it’s one that you need to try and overcome if you want to save as much money as possible on your home expenses. All those times you leave the light on really do add up, and if you are wondering why your energy bill keeps on getting higher, this might be at least part of the reason. It’s a simple case of reminding yourself to turn it off – you might even want to put a sticker on the light switch so you see it when you leave the room.