Alain Guillot

Life, Leadership, and Money Matters

Bird's view of a woman working on her desk.

Remote Worker? Create a Comfortable Working Environment

The past couple of years have seen a significant number of people switching to remote work. Working from home has become the new norm, as people found themselves trying to spend more time within their own four walls and away from others in a bid to slow the spread of the virus. While governments around the world have now started vaccine rollouts and life is beginning to return to normal, many employers and employees have decided that working from home is actually more beneficial all round. Employers save on commercial rent and overheads. Employees save on commuting and get more time to themselves – plus the comfort of using their own bathroom and kitchen throughout the day. If you’ve found yourself in a situation where you’re going to be working from home permanently, it’s important to make sure that your workspace is up to scratch. Here are a few areas to focus on to make working from home as comfortable as possible for yourself!

Invest in Ergonomic Furniture and Equipment

If you’ve settled for a standard chair and table until now, you may want to consider looking into more ergonomically designed furniture for the future. Ergonomically designed furniture has been specially crafted to support your body and encourage good posture throughout the day. This can help to reduce your risk of developing chronic conditions like repetitive strain injury. You may also want to consider ergonomic accessories, such as back supports, foot rests, ergonomic mice and keyboards and more.

Control the Temperature

No matter where you’re working from, the temperature of your work space can make all the difference to your productivity levels. Too hot and you’ll get flustered, struggling to concentrate and trying to cool down instead. Too cold? You’ll focus on keeping yourself warm and will feel uncomfortable. It’s important to maintain a good temperature while working from home. This can be achieved through air conditioning units or fans and radiators or plug in heaters. If any of your devices aren’t working, make sure to call in air conditioning repair or professionals or electricians and plumbers to help.

Control Noise

Noisy environments can be difficult to concentrate in, so do what you can to control noise in your workspace. If you live near a road, you may want to close the windows. If you live with others, you may need to set boundaries regarding loud televisions, music and other noise. It’s also a good idea to invest in some noise cancelling headphones, which can help you to hear your calls clearly without disruptions.

Take Breaks

As you’d take breaks away from your desk in the office, it’s important to remember to take breaks when working from home too. This can give you a chance to relax and refocus.

As you can see, there are a fair few areas to focus on when it comes to managing your home working environment. Hopefully, some of the suggestions above can help you to create the perfect workspace to suit your needs and requirements!