Alain Guillot

Life, Leadership, and Money Matters

Factory floor

Reducing Manufacturing Waste More Effectively

Every business that manufactures will end up with some level of wastage, but it is sensible to cut down that amount of wastage to as low a level as you possibly can because this will make your operation much more efficient, and actually, it is not all that difficult to do so.

Below are some of the most effective ways to reduce your manufacturing waste right now, so gid them a read and consider applying as many of them to your business as you possibly can:

Incorporate inventory management systems

If you are not already using a modern inventory management software package to control your stock levels, this is something you should think about doing as soon as possible. Why? Because a leaner processes for ordering raw materials will not only save you money on those orders, but it will mean you do not end up with more materials than you can use before they expire, which will cut down on waste significantly. It will also enable you to streamline your cash flow in a much more efficient way too.

Redesign your packaging

If you can redesign your packaging so that it is more streamlined, then you can cut down on waste by not using more plastic or foam or whatever than necessary. Using air packs is a really good way to cut down on waste in this way and it is a good idea to look into other materials that can keep goods safe in a more streamlined way too.

Install a decent cleanroom

If you manufacture the kinds of things that require low levels of contamination, such as electronics and healthcare devices/medications, then improving your cleanroom design with the help of skilled professionals will almost certainly result in less waste because you will end up with fewer defective products being manufactured due to much lower levels of contamination.

Volume reduction

Volume reduction is the process of using a range of techniques to separate waste that is hazardous from waste that is non-hazardous, and as such, it can reduce estate significantly. This is something you should get expert help with because it can be dangerous and costly if you get it wrong, but if you focus on source segregation and waste concentration, you should be able to obtain lower levels of waste in no time at all.

Recover waste

Often, it is possible to recover some of the waste you have created during the manufacturing process. It is sensible to do this as it will enable you to reuse much of the waste you have created, and this will save you money in the long term. Filtration, electrolysis, and plain old recycling are all good options that can work in a wide range of business manufacturing sectors, so be sure to look into them.

Regular maintenance

Having a regular maintenance schedule for all of your equipment will mean that fewer breakdowns happen and fewer things go wrong, which will reduce waste too.

Less waste means more efficiency and bigger profits, so what are you waiting for?