What was your reaction when you first heard about the coronavirus?
For me, it was total disinterest. In my mind, it was no more than another attempt by the media, to hold our attention and sell advertisement spots.
Then, it became hard to ignore. The virus had reached Canada and everyone was talking about it.
Then I panicked. I became obsessed with the news. I refreshed my newsfeed until I became numb.
Being on quarantine in my apartment

I am privileged to have an apartment of my own, with running water, electricity, and heat.
I say this because, in the midst of our misfortune, we are the privileged people, the people have a place to sleep, and Netflix, social, and other forms of distraction. There are people who have nowhere to go and no food, no heat, and no running water. I…
- cleaned my apartment
- did laundry
- called all my friends and family to tell them that I love them
- I read and I wrote
Survival is not enough
In the beginning, my whole goal was to survive. To suvive this quarantine. But after a couple of days, I knew that survival was not enough. It’s not enough for me, it’s not enough for you. I…
- read more
- wrote more
- created more podcasts
- And I created a new web-based business
How are you adding to your life?
We need your love and contribution. Are you…
- calling those family members with whom you have lost touch?
- re-starting old abandoned projects?
- starting an online class?
- exercising?
- offering your expertise to those who need it?
And please, if you are afraid and lonely, don’t be afraid to ask for reassurance and companionship. I have called my friend as well when I was fearful.
What we can learn from this crisis
- The biggest lesson is that we are fragile
- We can not harm the planet indefinitely
- Those low-level skils, our cashiers, our drivers, our farmers, all of those who are badly paid, we depend more on them that high paying professionals like bankers, accountants, lawyers, and their work are not appreciated enough.
- Nature will rejuvenate if we allow it
- We have to stop killing and torturing animals.
You never let a serious crisis go to waste. And what I mean by that it’s an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before. –Rahm Emanuel
It’s your responsibility to do something in this quarantine
It’s not enough just to survive. If you have an opportunity to do something for your fellow humans, it’s your responsibility to do so.
You are remarkable even if you don’t see yourself that way. My friend Cheryl teaches English to little kids in China (via the internet) and she preaches a message of compassion towards animals. Whatever gift you have, make sure you offer it to the world.
Even from the confinement of your apartment, spread a message of solidarity, of love. Be kind to fellow humans, be kind to the planet, and be kind towards animals.