Alain Guillot

Life, Leadership, and Money Matters

How to promote your business with a website

How to promote your business with a website

I created a website for my first business, a dance school, about 16 years ago. My business would not be able to exist without a website. A website is a portal to the world. Without it, future customers would not be able to find me.

Yet, often times, I sense a lot of resistance when I suggest to a new business owner to create a website. Many think that social media or word of mouth is enough. But it’s not enough.

People tell me:

  • Websites are expensive
  • I don’t know how to create one
  • They are too complicated
  • They take too much time to maintain

My experience is totally different.

  • A nicely designed website, can cost less than $500 to create and about $10/month to maintain.
  • A designer can create a typical informative website in less than one week.
  • A non technical person can learn how to update a website in less than one hour
  • Updating the website can take between one to four hours per week.

When you compare the advantage to have a website versus the cost and the time needed to maintain, the response is obvious, every business should have a website.

Here are 3 reasons why you should consider having a website for your business.

1. It’s easier to sell your product or service online

I have a photography business and people all over Montreal can go and check out my photos, prices, way of working, etc. By the time someone contacts me to hire me, they have already visited and read my website. The selling part is already done, the communication via phone or email is simply to confirm price, and time schedule.

My friend Cheryl teaches English as a second language and thanks to her website she can easy find students all over the world.

2. Builds credibility

I often go to networking events where I meet people with different professions and from different industries. We exchange contact information. Later on, when I go to their LinkedIn page and discover that they don’t have a website, I feel disappointed and I suspect that they must not be serious about their business.

I believe that if you have a website, people not necessary will buy from you, but if you don’t have a website, it’s very unlikely that people will consider doing business with you. You are not even a consideration.

3. Builds brand loyalty

If a business communicates often with its clients through its website, that communication can create brand loyalty.

I try to to have fresh information on my website as often as I can, that way, I am always top of mind for my clients. Every now and then, a client goes to my website to check out what’s going on and they feel reassured when they see an updated website.

And You?

Do you feel that having a website is relevant or irrelevant? Please share your opinion below or send me a direct email.