It doesn’t matter which social media you jump on, the amount of positive thinking pornography is unlimited. It’s a new cult, it’s a new religion.
Happiness and positivism are shoved down our throats day in and day out. This creates a never-ending pressure to always be happy, to always think positive, to always look for the silver lining.
Let’s be honest. Not all of us can be number one. Not all of us want to be number one.
I have been a victim of positive thinking
I am not the best at anything I do.
I’m not the best writer, I’m not the best speaker, I’m not the best business person, I’m not the best photographer, I’m not the best podcaster.
Yet, I am under constant pressure to excel, to give it my best try, to work harder, to practice more. And I do, but it has a price. The more I improve, the more I discover how ignorant I am. I never get to the point where I think I’m good at anything. And I am left with a constant feeling of dissatisfaction. A feeling that I am not good enough. I am not good enough to compete. I don’t measure up to the competition, to the expectations of others, and worse yet, to my own expectation.
For me, this idea of being the best, it has to end. I have to be OK with being mediocre, with not being #1, with not even being in the top 10 of anything. Only then, I could probably enjoy my life and all the activities I do.
Why do we have to be special?
We are sold on the idea that we are all special. That in order to be happy, all we have to do is to follow our dream and the money will follow.
Why do we all have to be special?
Why do we all need to have a calling?
Not everyone is made for that.
Not everyone wants that.
No! everyone has to have a calling.
And why should they?
Why should they feel pressured to?
Why should they feel like they have to have a calling?
That doesn’t mean that you don’t want to find something that fulfills you, and that adds to the world.
- Not everyone is privileged enough to pursue something they consider to be a calling.
- Not everyone wants to.
There is nothing wrong with pursuing a life that brings you pleasure, something that brings you a certain amount of joy on a daily basis.
You don’t have to have a calling, you don’t have to be famous, you don’t have to want to be famous.
The media tells us that we are supposed to want to be famous. We are supposed to reach the highest pinnacle.
I think that’s one more form of media and cultural manipulation.
The media wants to make us want and desire things so that businesses can sell us more of their crap.
The media want’s to make us feel inadequate so that they can sell us a solution.
I don’t think that everyone one should want to want that.
Some people are happy with mediocrity
Some people are perfectly happy with the life they have, with the family that they have, with going to work and coming home, and doing it again the next day, and having a weekend.
And if you manage to have that kind of mentality, good for you. You don’t have to live with the unhappiness of having to keep up with everyone’s expectations.
And no one should judge your life if you don’t meet their expectations.
The media will tell you:
- Follow your passion at all times and the richest will come.
- Quit your job and follow what you wanna do.
- Everyone can be the best at what they do.
There aren’t enough first place places for everyone.
This sort of mentality is setting people up to feel like failures when they have perfectly wonderful lives. Or maybe they don’t but they are content. They don’t have to feel miserable because they haven’t been able to monetize their dreams.
If you don’t want to be #1, and world famous, that’s OK.
You have one life to live. Live it the way you want to live it.
And why would anyone judge you for not jumping into the positive thinking pornography?
I think self-acceptance leads to happiness. Then, no matter where you are with your life goals – personal and professional – you’ll be at peace with the situation. It allows you to sit comfortably where you are or to grow in a new direction without worrying about external pressures.
Lisa Senecal, MBA
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