I have been a meat-eater for almost all my life.
In my culture, one of the ways that people display wealth is by eating meat. But isn’t it the case in almost every culture?

When I was a little boy 4-5 years old, my mother and father took great pride in showing their friends how fat I was. It was considered a sign of abundance.
I have always eaten, steak, chicken, fish, and lots of milk.
My grandmother used to raise her chickens and kill one couple of weeks and cook them for dinner.
For me, as for millions of people, eating meat and consuming dairy products, has always felt like the right thing to do. That’s the cycle of life. Some animals consume leaves and fruits, some other animals, consume other animals, and we humans consume both, vegetables and other animals.

Occasionally, in my life, I heard of the term “vegetarian.” I really didn’t know what it was. I taught the vegetarism was some kind of fad that would eventually disappear. I had never even met a vegetarian. In my mind, they were mystical creatures no different from unicorns or gremlins.
Finally, in 2005, I met one vegetarian in person. A woman that I started dating and later on I married.
Whenever we eat, I would order my meat plate and she would order her vegetarian plate.
Over a period of several years, she mentioned something once or twice, but for the most part, I was given my space.
Only, during the past two years, I started changing my point of view. Being exposed to the person who is now ex-wife, and to a lot of personal research and learning, I have come to the conclusion that eating meat is not good for our health, it’s not good for the environment, and it’s the most horrific thing we can do to our fellow animals.
Today, 99% of my diet is vegan. I cook at home. I cook lots of vegetables, beans, rice, and fruits. When I go to restaurant I generally eat the vegan or vegetarian option.
I am a true believer that by no consuming meat, we add years of life to our bodies, we become healthier, we do less damage to the environment, and above all, we stop this incredible cruelty that we finance every day.
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