If you’ve got an old car sitting in your garage and you’re looking to relieve it, you deserve the very best value for the investment that you made over time. Classic cars are and can be worth a lot of money.
Understanding exactly what it means to sell your classic car may take some time, and getting a classic car appraisal may also take some time. But once you’ve done that, the old car in the garage can be sold on and you can use the proceeds to renovate the space or to buy a new car if you wanted to. But how do you sell your old car? Let’s take a look.
- Understand the make and model. You spent years tuning up this car, which means you probably understand exactly what the value of the make and model may be. But a classic car appraisal is how you get the real figure of what somebody would be willing to pay for your classic car today. A 1964 Mustang, for example, is going to have a very different price point than a 1974 one. This is especially the case if it’s well maintained or has been restored. There are online valuation guides but a proper appraisal is the best place to begin.
- Compare selling privately versus trading it in. If you’re planning on getting another classic card, you can use the option of trading it in, but selling privately could offer you more money. It may sound convenient, but trading your classic vehicle usually means missing out on some of its value, at least. It does take some time to sell a classic car privately, but there are collectors out there who would be more than willing to pay what you’re looking for.
- Get your car inspected. You may have taken some time to bring the car up to scratch, but a little maintenance goes a long way. If you want to get the most out of your classic vehicle, then you need to make sure that you have got the car in the best possible working order. A classic car is typically very old, which means you should be taking it to a specialty mechanic who knows how to work that particular model. Don’t settle for somebody generic who may not know how to restore your ride with its original components. With a specialist team, you’ll be able to get everything done, from the oil change to the paintwork.
- Clean it out. There’s nothing worse than an old car that’s been covered in dust in the garage for a while. Getting it cleaned out and investing in a decent detailing service for your classic car is a smart way to breathe some new life into it. Once you’ve cleaned it out properly, you’ll be able to take some professional photos so that you can advertise it correctly. It may take more than one or two goes to get it fully cleaned, but once you’ve done it, you’ll be able to stand back and take a look. You may even be willing to leave it in the garage and keep it for yourself.