Not too long ago, I did my 23andMe genetic testing and I discovered that I am 28% Indigenous American.
I am also 56.6% of European descent.
But when I read the history book, and I read about how the colonizers and the Catholic church tried to destroy the indigenous people and/or their culture, I don’t identify myself with my European ancestors, I identify with my indigenous ancestors and my heart suffers the pain that my ancestors suffered centuries ago.
Throughout many countries in America, there is a recognition of the pain, suffering, and displacement endured by the native communities and there have been efforts to rectify it. Canada is one of those countries.
Canada created the National Indigenous People’s day and Priminister Justin Trudeau has publicly apologized to the Indigenous People for the wrongs of the past. Unfortunately, in spite of the thousands of verified assassinations and sexual abuses, the Catholic Church hasn’t owned up to its participation in this genocide.
National Indigenous Peoples Day is a day recognizing and celebrating the cultures and contributions of the First Nations, Inuit, and Métis Indigenous peoples of Canada. The day was first celebrated in 1996, after it was proclaimed to be celebrated annually on 21 June. This date was chosen as the statutory holiday for many reasons, including its cultural significance as the Summer solstice, and the fact that it is a day on which many Indigenous peoples and communities traditionally celebrate their heritage.
Today, the 28% of me who is Indigenous America wants to pay tribute to the suffering of the native people. I honor your memory, and after five centuries since the colonization, I still feel your pain.

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