Alain Guillot

Life, Leadership, and Money Matters


My Aunt died of Covid; She refused to take the vaccine, she was a victim of misinformation

It’s sad news, the death of a family member, but what’s even sadder is that it was preventable.

My aunt was in her 70’s. She had a few health issues. I suggested that she should take the vaccine, but she refused because she was skeptical of it. The reason she gave me is that she heard of someone else who took the vaccine and who died anyway, so what was the point?

I didn’t argue with her because it’s difficult to argue with someone over a long distance, also, I know she wouldn’t listen to me. She changed my diapers and cleaned my shit when I was a little boy, and that’s the image she has of me in her head, a little boy who is now trying to tell her what to do.

In the U.S. almost all the new death of Covid are from unvaccinated people.

I was talking to a friend who is an anti-vaxxer, and she was telling me, that if she decides not to get vaccinated, that shouldn’t be of anyone else’s concern. It’s her life and it’s her decision. She sees it as people infringing on her liberties.

I wouldn’t care if the consequences were not deadly, but when that kind of ideology spreads, gullible people like my aunt feel embolden and justified to take such an irresponsible decision that ended her life.

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