Alain Guillot

Life, Leadership, and Money Matters

Mailbox with house address

Marketing Blindspots You Should Really Consider Filling In

When you’re coming up with your marketing methods, you’re going to want to focus on the methods that are most likely to get as much eyeballs on your business as possible, right? To that end, you might focus on what seems to drive the most traffic: online advertising, search, and email marketing. However, focusing on only the biggies can result in you developing some pretty big blindspots, where significant portions of your market could be found if only you’re willing to grab them. Here, we’re looking at some of the underrated marketing methods you should be considering.

Local marketing

Local marketing focuses on engaging customers within a specific geographic area. This method is particularly effective for small businesses looking to build strong community relationships and drive foot traffic to physical locations. Benefits include increased brand recognition within the community, enhanced customer loyalty, and the ability to cater marketing messages to local preferences and trends. Local marketing also often involves partnerships with other local businesses, which can lead to mutually beneficial promotions and increased visibility. Moreover, it allows for more personalized interactions and immediate feedback, fostering a sense of community and trust in the brand.

Event marketing

Event marketing involves promoting a brand, product, or service through in-person or virtual events such as trade shows, webinars, or festivals. The benefits include direct engagement with potential customers, allowing for real-time feedback and relationship building. It provides a platform for demonstrating products and services in a tangible way, which can enhance understanding and interest. Events also create memorable experiences that can increase brand recall and loyalty. Additionally, they offer networking opportunities and the potential to generate leads, foster community, and create a buzz that extends beyond the event itself through media coverage and social sharing.

Video marketing

Video marketing leverages engaging video content to promote products or services, making it a powerful tool in today’s digital landscape. Benefits include the ability to convey complex information succinctly and engagingly, leading to higher audience retention and understanding. Videos are highly shareable, increasing the likelihood of reaching a broader audience through social media. They also enhance SEO, as search engines favor video content. Personalization and storytelling through video, with the help of teams like, can significantly boost emotional connection and brand loyalty. Additionally, videos can be repurposed across multiple platforms, maximizing the return on investment and ensuring consistent brand messaging.

Radio marketing

Radio marketing reaches audiences through audio broadcasts on AM, FM, or digital radio stations. Its benefits include broad reach, as radio can target both local and national audiences, often capturing listeners during commuting times. It is a cost-effective medium, especially for small businesses, and allows for repeated exposure through frequent ads. Radio marketing is also flexible, with the ability to quickly change and adapt messages based on current promotions or events. Additionally, radio ads can evoke imagination and personal connection through sound, creating memorable and impactful campaigns. Audience segmentation based on station and program type ensures targeted messaging.

Direct mail marketing

Direct mail marketing involves sending physical promotional materials to a targeted audience’s mailbox. The benefits include high tangibility and a personal touch, making messages more memorable. It allows for precise targeting through demographic and geographic data, ensuring relevance to the recipient. Direct mail often boasts higher response rates compared to digital methods, as it can stand out among fewer physical competitors. Customization options such as personalized letters, brochures, and postcards increase engagement. Moreover, it provides measurable results through tracking codes and response mechanisms. Direct mail can also complement digital campaigns, creating a cohesive multi-channel marketing strategy.

Billboard marketing

Billboard marketing places large advertisements in high-traffic areas, capturing the attention of passersby. The primary benefit is high visibility, as billboards are seen by thousands of people daily, making them ideal for building brand awareness. Billboard companies like  offer constant exposure, with ads displayed 24/7, ensuring repeated impressions. Billboards are particularly effective for local businesses, targeting specific geographic areas with relevant messages. The visual impact of large, bold designs can capture attention quickly, even from a distance. Additionally, they reach a broad audience, including those who might not be reached through digital or traditional media, enhancing overall market penetration.

The benefits of the above marketing method should not simply be brushed aside. By focusing only on the most common disciplines in the online marketing sphere, you could be leaving significant swathes of your marketing untapped. If you think maybe you’re starting to run out of room to grow through marketing methods alone, consider the options above and see if there isn’t some juice left to squeeze out, still.