Alain Guillot

Life, Leadership, and Money Matters

Making Your Physical Corporate Event Virtual

A corporate event is a proven tactic for businesses. With the right setup, from speakers to music and food and drinks, you can impress customers and clients and boost brand awareness. Plus, an event has less of a competitive edge than a trade show. After all, the guests are invited, so you don’t have to worry about their interest.

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Sadly, the current health crisis makes hosting a responsible event challenging as it’s tough to keep everyone safe. Therefore, the best option is to go virtual and hold it remotely. If you don’t know where to start, these are the must-know hacks for a Covid-secure happening.

Select The Right Software

Usually, your social skills would determine the success of a corporate event. Today, it’s all about the program you run because your internet connection directly affects the user experience. Nobody is going to stay if they can’t hear what you’re saying due to severe lag or glitchy software. With that in mind, it’s worth paying for a premium program if you don’t think Microsoft Teams or Zoom will suffice. You should also consider bandwidth and latency as they impact everything from upload speeds to connectivity, which is why speaking to an internet provider is always a smart decision.

Setup As Normal

It’s weird to create an environment that no-one will experience in person, but it’s all about creating an authentic atmosphere. Too many companies and individuals hold talks from their living rooms or bedrooms, and it instantly takes away from the level of professionalism. Instead, don’t be afraid to curate an event for a handful of people by setting up tables, chairs, and benches as your base. And, if it rains, the likes of National Outdoor Furniture have commercial umbrellas and parasols. The trick is to continue as nothing has changed from a formation perspective. If you don’t, your standards will drop.

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Broadcast Snippets

Hosting an online event is all about marketing it to the right people. Therefore, it’s essential to research your base and choose the perfect platforms based on key demographics. Once you know which channels will have the biggest impact, it’s time to release snippets from the show to boost excitement. For instance, you could produce a clip of speakers talking as a trailer, and you can ask guests to spread the word on their accounts, too. When you offer people a peek of what’s to come, they engage more effectively with the product.

Review Restrictions

Restrictions are changing at rapid rates as the virus goes through peaks and troughs. Therefore, it’s impossible to predict what will be allowed at any given point. It’s vital for those who want to invite guests and speakers to keep your eyes on the legislation and have a backup plan in mind. Otherwise, a rise in infections could cause you to cancel everything and lose money. At least you can provide a service if you host the event online.

Hosting a corporate event at this period is tricky, which is why it’s smart to consider making it virtual. Then, there are fewer obstacles to overcome.