COVID-19 has forced many of us to work from home. This new reality has brought a new set of challenges. The day still has 24 hours and we are saving time on transportation and getting ready to go to work, but now we have many new distractions, and at the end of the day, tend to ask: Where did the time go?
7 tips on how to make the most of your time
1. Find alternative times to spend with the family
At one time in history, it was possible to spend time with family at the dinner table. But now, everyone has different priorities, and it’s not always easy to get together for dinner. But how about getting together for breakfast or at any other time when everyone can get together? There are too many competitive options at 5 pm, but not so many at 7:00 am.
2. Do the most important things when you have the least distractions
For many people, the time with the least distractions is early in the morning, but not for everyone. I like to work late at night. To each his own. But many of us have a moment in our day when we have the least distractions. This is the time when we should do our most important work.
3. Divide your day in different shifts
It’s hard to stay productive and focus for an eight hour at a time, but if you have a morning shift, and then you do some physical activity to clear your mind, and then come back for the second shift, you could stay more focused and productive, and your day may seem lighter.
4. Eliminate unnecessary digital communication

I get pitches, solicitations, and hello messages from total strangers all the time. In the beginning, I used to respond to some of them, but after a while, I realized that it was a big distraction. Now, I just delete those emails without thinking twice about it.
Eliminate most newsletters or subscriptions you don’t need. People are very clever when asking you for your email address and you may fall prey to their marketing schemes, but you can always unsubscribe later.
Another time-saver trick is to eliminate social media from your phone. Social media is meant to be distractive and addictive. By taking it off your phone, you gain some of that control back.
5. Take a walk

A walk or any other time of physical activity will refresh your brain and you will feel more productive when you go back to work.
If you don’t take this physical break, your mind will wander and you will use more time to do your work.
6. Make sure you get enough sleep
Nothing increases your ability to focus on a task better than getting enough sleep.
If you don’t get enough sleep during the night, make sure you are able to take a nap during the day.
I hardly ever get a full night sleep, but I generally take a nap during the day.
7. Give yourself at least one day a week of rest
Take at least one day a week to do something other than work.
We need to break the routine to start a new cycle with more energy and motivation.
If you take one day a week (or two) to take a road trip, to visit family, or just to catch up on cleaning the house, your body and mind will appreciate that break.
We have to accept that we are doing the best we can and often times we will not achieve all our weekly goals. That’s the way it is. If we don’t accomplish all our goals this week, we will next week. Life is a marathon, not a sprint. You want to have the mental and physical endurance to be productive and engaged for many years to come.
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