Alain Guillot

Life, Leadership, and Money Matters

Family Unpacking

Make Moving Day a Little Less Stressful

Moving day can be one of the most stressful experiences of your life- there’s nothing quite like seeing all of your cherished possessions boxed up and driven away in a huge moving van! But with a bit of planning and organisation you can definitely make things smoother and easier and save your sanity a little. Here are some simple tips to make your moving day smoother and less overwhelming.

Plan Ahead

Start preparing for your move well in advance, as soon as you know you’re moving get to work. Create a moving checklist that includes everything you need to do, from changing your address to packing up each room. Break down tasks into smaller, manageable steps, and set deadlines for each. Planning ahead means you won’t be scrambling at the last minute and helps you to stay organised throughout the process.

Declutter Before Packing

Moving is the perfect time to declutter your home. Go through your belongings and decide what you really need and what you can live without. Donate, sell, or recycle items you no longer use. This will reduce the amount of stuff you have to move but also make unpacking easier, and it’s a great way to start fresh in your new home. We all have things that clutter our lives up and dont bring us joy any more but keep hold of for some unknown reason. Moving house gives you the opportunity to ditch these unwanted items once and for all.

Pack Smartly

Packing can be time consuming, but being smart about it can save you a lot of hassle. Label all your boxes clearly with the contents and the room they belong to. Use colour coded labels or markers to make it even easier and make sure you have the right bags for packing and moving that are strong and sturdy. If your budget allows for it then, consider hiring professional movers as they often offer packing services too. Get quotes from a few different companies and check their reviews, using a service like this can save you time and physical effort making everything much easier. 

Keep Important Items Handy

During a move, it can be easy to misplace important documents. Keep all your essential papers (like identification, financial records and moving related paperwork) in a single, easily accessible folder or box. Carry this with you instead of putting it in the moving truck. This way, you’ll have everything you need and won’t have to worry about losing track of critical information. It can be worth keeping your important tech with you as well, things like iPad, cameras and laptops so you know exactly where they are and can safely move them to the new place.