Alain Guillot

Life, Leadership, and Money Matters

Woman Wearing a Long Sleeve Polo Using a Tablet

Low Energy? Try These 4 Methods To Get Your Entrepreneurial Motor Running!’

To be a great leader, you’ve got to have bags of energy. Energy is one of those things that we feel is fleeting, especially when we are under duress. But if you really want to boost your energy and do it quickly, here are a few great ways to do it. 


As a priority make sure that you are having the recommended intake of water. Dehydration can actually decrease your energy levels, making you feel drained and fatigued. You may not really like drinking water because of the taste, but this is where you can make water interesting. You can shop here for a juicer, which will be a more exciting way to incorporate fruits, vegetables, and electrolytes, and turn it all into something that actually hydrates you. You should also not underestimate the power of salt. Salt in high quantities can make you feel very thirsty, but don’t forget that electrolytes found in salt are key for proper hydration. 

Eat Breakfast

If you skip breakfast, you might be doing yourself a disservice. While some people find that they can function better without breakfast, if you are someone who wakes up and takes hours to come around, breakfast should be a priority. Choose foods with high fiber that releases energy slowly, such as oatmeal. If you have food that keeps you fuller, it will prevent you from getting hungry and will balance your blood sugar. Oatmeal is fantastic because you can incorporate a number of energy-balancing spices like cinnamon, as well as nuts such as almonds, which are high in folate and magnesium, which can help with cell production and energy. 

Get Out in the Sun as Soon as You Wake Up

It is vital for our sleep-wake cycle to get out in the daylight as soon as we wake up because this sends the signal to the body that it is daytime so it is time to wake up. Don’t make the mistake of thinking that you will get enough sunlight by simply driving to work because the windscreen actually blocks a lot of the sun. You need to have at least 10 minutes out in daylight, even if it is overcast where you live. 

Get the Blood Flowing

On a physiological level, we can feel more energized through the nutrients that blood delivers around the body. One of the best ways to deliver blood around the body is to exercise. If you don’t like running around first thing in the morning, you can do gentle exercising such as yoga. There are also other ways to get the blood flowing while also training strength. If you have to sit at your desk first thing and start answering those emails, you can do some isometric practices, which will strengthen your body, and will make you feel like you’ve done quite a workout! 

These are all important things to help you boost your energy. If you are trying to run a great business you have to make yourself as great as possible. If you want to be a great leader, you’ve got to be the person that you want. But if you are lacking in energy, try some of these things and see if they make a big difference.