Kristin Morrison was taking college classes while trying to figure out what to do with her life, but nothing was making sense to her at the time.
One day (1995) she met a woman who was walking dogs, she was wearing a T-shirt that advertised her dog-walking business. Kristin approached her to ask her questions about her business, and after a few minutes, the woman hired her.
Kristin realized that this is what she wanted to do for the rest of her life and three months later started her own business.
Kristin didn’t just drop everything to start her dog walking business. She started little by little, doing it as a side gig while she was working as a waitress at a restaurant. Little by little Kristin worked fewer hours at the restaurant and more hours walking dogs. Until one day, two years later, she finally let go of her last restaurant shift and jumped full time into the dog walking business.
Kristin doesn’t recommend quitting your full-time job until your business can support you.
18 years later Kristin sold her business for a seven-figure amount. She decided she was ready to move us. At the time of the sale, Kristen was working just two days a week.
Kristin had many ups and downs during her years as the owner of a dog walking business. At one time she was working 14 hours per day. She didn’t know how to manage her time. At a given moment she was ready to sell the business but instead, she found a manager to help her. She learned how to work on her business, not in her business, and it was at that moment that the revenues increased the workload decreased.
Today, Kristin is a business coach, she teaches people how to run their pet business and she runs The Six-Figure Pet Business Academy where coach other pet business owners on how to best run their businesses.
Kristin also hosts the podcast Prosperous Pet Business Podcast.

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