Alain Guillot

Life, Leadership, and Money Matters

Private home sale

Key Tips on How to Sell Your House Privately

What comes to your mind first when you think of selling a house? Perhaps the image of a real estate agent? Quite obvious, since that’s the traditional way of going about it. However, there’s yet another way, too, which is quicker, less complicated, and relatively profitable. It involves selling your house directly with the help of a professional cash home buyer. A lot of homeowners have been won over by this method for the numerous benefits it brings. 

If you are wondering how to sell your house privately, this article will highlight a few tips to help you understand the entire process. 

Determine a Fair Price

The first thing you should start with is determining a fair price for your property. Under no circumstances should you sell it at a loss. At the same time, you shouldn’t set it unreasonably high. To know what the right price for your house is, you will have to do some research. You could visit real estate valuation sites that will provide you with a rough estimate. Another way is to hire an appraiser to know the market value of your home. Even though you aren’t legally required to do it while selling your house privately, it would give you a good idea. You could also explore the neighborhood to see at what cost homes similar in size to yours have been sold.

Carry Out a Few Repairs

Even though many cash buyers will buy your house in as-is condition, making some minor repairs won’t hurt. Some of those include loose door handles, leaky faucets, sticky windows, faulty switches, and sockets, and peeling paint. You could also do some decongesting by removing unnecessary items in your rooms, basement, garage, and attic. These changes will make a positive impression on the buyer within the first few minutes. It will raise the overall value of your home.

However, if you find that you simply do not have the funds available to complete these necessary repairs, you might find it easier to sell your home with the help of a dedicated cash-for-homes buyer. For example, a “sell my house atlanta ga” service (or a similar service in your area) will typically offer to purchase your home regardless of the condition that it is currently in, securing you a quick sale and saving you the money that you would have otherwise spent. 

Have Several Open Houses

You should try to have as many open houses as you can. That will attract plenty of buyers and help you find the right one. The visitors will also provide feedback, some of which might be helpful to you. You could also prepare property description sheets that contain information like the address, description of the property, asking price, taxes, outdoor space, and other relevant information. 

Handle the Negotiations

Once the cash buyers have found a buyer, you will be offered a price. You can choose to go ahead with the transaction if it satisfies you. If you find the proposed price unsatisfactory, you can choose to turn down the offer. In some cases, the buyer might be willing to meet you halfway. It is always wise not to accept a price in a hurry as you may find out later that you could’ve done better.

Hire a Lawyer for the Paperwork

Although some people prefer to handle the paperwork related to selling a house by themselves, hiring a lawyer is a good idea. These professionals are well acquainted with the entire process and can arrange all the documents systematically. During the transaction, a few documents you will need are surveys, deeds, property tax receipts, property disclosure forms, copies of electric and gas bills, transferable warranties, and renovation contracts. Having all the paperwork beforehand will make the process smooth for both you and the buyer.

Proceed with the Closing

The closing is the final stage of the real estate transaction. You will officially hand over the ownership of the property to the buyer. The buyer will receive the keys to the house and the deed, while you will get the payment. You can ask your lawyer to be present in case there’s any confusion regarding the entire process. 

For some, opening up their options and unlocking their reliance on the timeline can be aided by finding a separate apartment here, or simply taking some time at alternate accommodation in the interim.

These are some tips that can help you know how to sell your house privately. Selling your home yourself will give you a deep sense of accomplishment and satisfaction. You will also collect valuable sales experience if you need to do similar transactions in the future.